Jane Doe

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"Get the locks?" Fiona asks Jimmy as she comes downstairs, "Hardware store isn't open." Jimmy says as he sips his coffee, "Did you knock? The lady sleeps upstairs." Fiona says, tossing him the old house keys, "I'll get it." Jimmy says, "Let's go," Fiona says to me as I'm strapping up my heels, "Deadbolts, front and back." Fiona says to Jimmy, "Frank's not allowed in anymore." I explain to Jimmy as I fix the waistband of my skirt to be flush with my blouse, "Fi's gonna rip him a new one?" Jimmy asks, "No, we're just done with him." Fiona keeps it short, "You sure?" Jimmy asks as we leave the house, Fiona shoots him a look, "Got it." Jimmy mutters as we climb into his car and he drives us to the court.


"I want the kids." Fiona says to the lawyer, "Uh, your parents know?" He asks, "Not yet." "They'll relinquish their rights?" He asks, "My dad's made a career of refusing responsibility." Fiona explains as we follow him up the stairs, "Mom's MIA too, what are the chances?" I ask, "Cases I take are about whether a kid's gonna live in Aspen or Monaco." He says, "But you're still a lawyer and a family lawyer at that, so, you should be prepared for any cases and should be able to provide an educated guess of her chances." I say and he stops walking and turns to me, "Which my educated guess is that Fiona will be a 60/40 chance in her favor. Agree?" I scoff, "Right." He agrees and continues walking, "My brother said you'd help?" Jimmy questions, "I told Chip I'd give you five minutes. Besides, you can't afford me." He scoffs, "You sure?" I show him five thousand from my purse, he opens his mouth to speak, "Don't worry, we don't want your shitty services anyway since you can't even make educated guesses. I don't think you'd fight too well either." I mock him and Fiona, Jimmy, and I walk away. "Jeez Sade, I knew that's what you wanted to do but I didn't think you'd already be this good." Fiona nudges me, "Hey, the firm makes me do one pro bono case a year, I wouldn't mind representing you." The lawyer says and we turn back towards him, "My brothers and sister are in foster homes and my father is the reason why, tell me how to get them back." Fiona pleads, "Get your parents to terminate their rights, prove you can provide a stable environment, get W-2 to show you got a full time job. You got a place for the kids to live?" The lawyer asks, "Duh," I roll my eyes, annoyed with the information he's giving us because I could've told her that, "And you, call me when you finish law school or if you need an internship, we could use your fiery personality here at the firm." He nods and walks away.


"Slow down." Jimmy says to Fiona as she rushes inside, "I need to make a will." Fiona says, grabbing the laptop, "What?" Jimmy asks, "Duh, to make it look like Ginger gave them the house." I smack his head lightly, "It doesn't matter if you can't get Monica to sign her rights away." Jimmy protested (a/n; hehe one direction), "I've been forging doctor's notes since first grade." Fiona scoffs as she types on the computer. I quickly turn my head when I hear footsteps to see Lip, I gasp, "Lip!" I say and hug him tightly, he picks me up, "Hi, you look so good, where were you?" He asks, sitting me on the counter, "Court, needed to see how I could apply for full custody of you guys." Fiona says still on the laptop, "They let you out?" I ask, "Uh, just from dawn till dusk." He says, "I found them." Ian says, coming from the other staircase, I gasp as I see his bruised face and hop off the counter, "What happened?" I say, examining his cuts and bruises, "I'm fine." He pushed by me gently, "Going to visit Carl and Liam, he asked for M-80s, Nintendo DS, and his throwing stars." Ian says, "I could use your help." Fiona says, "With?" Lip asks, "I need a W-2 to prove a steady income, think you can get a legit fake one?" Fi asks, Lip nods, "Yeah." "Great, I also need someone to sign this as Aunt Ginger and go bring this down to be notarized." Fiona says, grabbing a paper from the printer, "I'll do it." I say, grabbing it gently along with a pen from the junk drawer, "Meet me at the Alibi in an hour or so with  aW-2?" Fiona asks, "Yeah, I got it." Lip says, guiding me out by my lower back as I finish the signature, "You think this'll work?" I ask Lip, showing him my wonky old lady signature, "I hope so." Lip exhales sharply as we continue walking.

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