soft balls

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"It's our crib!" Carl exclaims in frustration, "Not anymore." Fiona says, pouring her coffee, "Who says?" "State of Illinois." Ian answers slightly annoyed. "They can't just take it from us." Carl goes on, "I don't have time to explain foreclosure law to you." Fiona says, walking by him, "Ask Sade." She adds, "When a property gets taken back due to the owner not paying the mortgage, the bank becomes the new owner and can do whatever they want." I sigh, "Those are the stairs where I broke my arm for the first time." Carl points to the steps, "And the second and the fifth." Ian adds on trying to lighten his mood. "The table where Liam was born." He sighs, pointing to the kitchen table causing Nick to push his plate away, "Oh, Nick. It's been cleaned many times after, don't worry." I pat his shoulder lightly. "I don't have time for this." Fiona sighs, "Can you keep it down in there!" She then shouts at Frank and a random man in the downstairs bathroom. "Copper pipes aren't gonna take out themselves." Frank explains as they drag out the toilet, "Jesus Christ." I mutter, "While Rome burns you eat waffles." Frank scoffs at Nick, "Leave him alone Frank." I roll my eyes and push past him, "You gonna tear apart the place piece by piece?" Ian asks, "Scorched earth. The preferred method of defeated generals who refused to allow their conquerors the satisfaction." Frank rambles, "The fuck?" I question under my breath, "We don't have the luxury to sit around and be weepy. We have to pack and we need a place to live." Fiona explains, "Let's see them try to get Nick and I out." Carl says, "We'll take position upstairs with M16s." He adds on and I smack the back of his head gently, "No." I scold him, "Throw Liam at the bottom of the stairs with some grenades. You think you can pull a pin and throw it?" He asks Liam and Liam nods, unsure, "Liam, you're not doing any of that and Carl, knock it off." I mother him once more, "Do any of that and they'll try you as an adult." Fiona adds on, "The house is gone, we need to move on." She says, "This is all because of the mud people." Chuckie says pointing to Nick, "What the fuck?" Ian, Fiona and I say in sync, "That's what my friends in juvie said." Chuckie says, innocently causing Frank to break out in a laughing fit. "What? What did I say?" Chuckie asks, confused, "You're being racist and those weren't your friends. They're neo-Nazis ignorant pieces of shit." I say as rage is building up in my chest–I hate racism with a burning passion. "If you want to stay alive, go to school." Ian yells at him, realizing I'm getting pissed. "Okay." He says quickly then hurries towards the door. "Where's Lip at? He'd back me up on this." Carl asks me, "School." "I told him we didn't need him, he needs to focus on school." Fiona explains, "Then why is Sade here? Doesn't she need to focus on school?" Carl replies snarkily. "I don't have a class until twelve today. Thank you very much." I say, "And she's more stubborn than Lip so no matter what she'd be here. Lip is self centered and an asshole." Ian says, "True." I say, "You two off again?" Fiona asks and I shake my head, "He's just a self centered asshole." I shrug and she nods, "Yeah." She agrees, "K Carl, Nick; school." Fiona dismisses them.

"If you go through with getting a new crib it better be sick." Carl insists, "Can't pay anymore than we already were." Fiona explains, putting the syrup away. "We were barely making ends meet as it was." Ian explains, "Why you acting like we ain't got no lettuce?" Carl asks, "Jesus not the accent." I say under my breath and roll my eyes, "Lettuce?" Fiona asks, "Benjamins! Cash! Money!" Carl says waving a stack, "Say the word and I'll make it rain up in here." Carl says, "I told you I'm not taking your dirty money!" Fiona yells at him. "I told you I'm not taking your dirty money." Fiona yells at him as he clears his plate, "Must be wonderful living in your fantasy world where unicorns slide down magical rainbows, and everybody on the South Side gets by on the up and up." Frank rants, "What do you think this neighborhood runs on?" He asks, "It ain't donuts." Frank scoffs. "Without heroes like Carl here, driving our shadow economy we would've gone the way of the dodo years ago." Frank continues to rant. "Don't encourage Carl to continue doing things that can get him in trouble please." I butt in, "Hey, can I get a relocation advance?" Frank mumbled to Carl; Carl then slapped a one hundred dollar bill in his hand.

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