I don't know anything.

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"How many slaves do you think George Washington had sex with?" Carl asks, "Ugh, you're a perv." I mutter as I put my dishes in the sink, "More than Lincoln, less than Jefferson." Ian jokes, "Ian, your bruise is getting better, who beat you up again?" Fiona asks, trying to pry an answer out of him, Ian glances at me and just then I decide I need to speak to Mickey, he can't possibly want to move forth with this marriage. I get up and leave the house immediately rushing over to the Milkovichs. "Hey Mick, can we talk?" I ask as I walk down their sidewalk, "Uh, girl what did you do?" I chuckle as I see Mandy wiping blood off their car, "I taught a bitch a lesson." She mutters, "Make sure to get the hair out of the grille and shit. Call Manny about the windshield." Mickey advises her and grabs my wrist pulling me inside, "What do you want, Mitchell?" He rolls his eyes, "Why are you doing this to Ian?" I whisper so nobody hears, "I have no choice. I'm sure he told you about when my dad fucking caught us right?" He asks, I nod, "Yeah well that Russian fucking whore is supposedly pregnant with my kid." He scoffs, "No way, she fucks so many people." "I know but my dad doesn't give two shits, I gotta marry her, don't fucking tell Ian, okay?" Mickey asks me, "Well you can at least be nicer to Ian about it, talk to him instead of beating the shit out of him!" I punch his chest, "Alright alright." He says while rubbing his sternum, "Jesus fucking Christ, you dont look like you can hit but damn." He shakes his head and walks outside.

Just as I go to walk outside Mandy pushes me right back in, "What?" I ask, "I killed Karen Jackson." She says, anxiously. My eyes widened, "What?" I don't know whether to be exuberated or petrified, "I know we got off on the wrong foot but you're a good friend to Ian and I was looking out for you, can we be friends? Despite all the old drama with Lip." Mandy explains, "Uh, yeah we can be friends but Mandy, you didn't have to kill the bitch." I say, still in shock, "Don't tell Lip you know anything, okay?" Mandy begs, I nod, "Secret's safe, I don't know anything." I say and push past her, going back to the Gallaghers.

"Hey, is Lip still upstairs?" I ask Jimmy as he is playing with Liam, he nods, "Hear anything about Karen?" I ask, Lip found out last night Karen was in the hospital because she got hit by a car. We didn't know how or why but, now I know; wish I didn't. "She's still out, no further updates." he informs me and I nod and head upstairs to see how Lip is doing. I gently knock on the door frame since his door isn't shut, "What's up?" Lip asks as he stares at the ceiling, "Just wanted to check on you, see if you wanted anything to eat." I say and sit on the edge of his bed, "I just can't get over Karen getting hit by that car." He says, propping himself up on his elbows, "Yeah, that's crazy." I sigh, "You going to school?" I ask, standing up, "Yeah, gonna stop by the hospital first and visit Karen, see how she's doing." He says, standing up and putting on a shirt, "Want anything to eat first?" I ask and he shakes his head, "I'll eat at the hospital." He says, walking closer to me, "Be safe." I blurt out and pat his chest as he goes to lean in. "Call me if you need me." I say and walk back downstairs to see Debbie ladling soup into a thermos. "Debs, no school?" I ask, "Skipping, gonna bring this soup over to the hospital for Sheila." She explains, "Last time you're skipping, this is two days in a row now. No more." I poke her nose gently and kiss her forehead, "Yeah Debs, we need at least one person in this family not to turn cynical and my money's been on you." Lip says, coming downstairs and kissing her forehead. "I'll take this soup to the hospital for you." Lip says, grabbing the thermos, "And take credit for doing something nice when you actually did nothing." Debbie says, reaching for the thermos, "Hey, to be fair, at that point, I will have carried it all the way over there, so." He chuckles and Debbie sighs, "You're taking Sadie for granted." Debbie blurts out, "What did she tell you?" Lip asks, "Nothing but she's kind, devoted, she's always been there for all of us and you still chose Karen over her after what Karen has done to you." Debbie scoffs, "Hey Debs, since Lip is bringing that over how about you go to school today, okay?" I change the subject and grab her backpack, "I'll call the school and tell them you're gonna be late, okay?" I call to her as she walks out the door. "What was that about?" Lip asks me, slightly annoyed, "I don't know, I didn't say anything." I say, cleaning up Debbie's mess. "Not that it's my business but, Debs is right." Jimmy says as he walks into the kitchen, "You're fucking up." Jimmy pats Lip's shoulder, "Just let him be," I turn on my heel from the sink to face them, "He's a big boy, he can make his own decisions. If that's what he wants it's fine." I defend Lip, "But that's not-" Lip starts and I shut his lips with my fingers, "Go visit your friend." I direct and he leaves with the thermos. "You're just gonna let him go?" Jimmy asks as the backdoor slams, "Not my monkey, not my circus." I sigh and turn back to the dishes, "He is your monkey." Jimmy teases as he walks back into the kitchen, "Can you watch Liam today, I have some things to do." He asks, "Sure, ask your stalker if he can bring you to McDonalds later I really want some fries." I say, popping my head into the living room, "You know about that?" He asks, "It's so obvious." I scoff, "Don't tell anyone." "I'm not, bye." I dismiss him and he hurries out the door. "Why am I the secret keeper lately?" I ask Liam as I pick him up, he shrugs, "I dunno." He says in his cute baby voice, "I don't know either, Liam." I sigh and sit on the couch with him, "This is gonna be a long day." I put my forehead against his, making him laugh. At least I make someone happy.

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