love and loyalty

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The next morning, Ian is very energized as he is telling Carl and Debs stories. Lip is observing from a distance, I can feel him tensing up so I grab his pinky; silence reassurance is Lip's favorite thing. "Jesus Christ are you always so noisy in the morning." Mickey comes downstairs, groggily as Ian is singing and marching all around the kitchen. "No." I chuckle and put down Carl, Debs and Liam's plates, "Eat up, you guys got school." "I don't." Carl smiles, "Yeah well you're coming to school with me so, eat up." I say and he gets excited, "You sure?" Lip asks and I nod, "You got Liam I got Carl. My class ends at 1 and I'll be over to help you and Liam." I explain as I make Mickey and Ian's plates, "Gallovich, sit down and eat." I say, putting down their plates across from each other, "The fuck did you call us?" Mickey asks in an angry tone, "Gallo-vich. Combo of both of your last names so I didn't have to say Mickey and Ian, fuck face." I say and push his head as I walk by him, "Watch your mouth." Mickey says with a mouthful of eggs, "Watch your mouth." Lip mutters as he sips his coffee, "Lip." I say, gently grabbing his elbow. "Enough." I mouth to him. Just then the back door swings open, it's Mandy, "Your wife's water just broke." Mandy blurts out to Mickey, "Tell her I said good luck." He scoffs, "You're not gonna go watch your baby's birth?" Mandy asks, "I got work. Who knows if it's even mine." Mickey rolls his eyes, "You're so fucked up." Mandy scoffs then leaves, slamming the door behind her. "Congrats!" Ian says, sarcastically and Mickey flips him off.

"Woah, full house; just like old times. Smells good." Fiona says, coming inside, "You trashed my art project!" Debbie yells, walking up to her, "You, you bitch!" Debbie says through her teeth, "Debs!" I yell, "I know, 'Mouth!'" She mocks me as she storms upstairs, "Jesus Christ, she's fucking bitchy." I mutter, "She got her period the other day." Fiona mutters. "Con-grad-u-fucking-lations." I mutter as I throw the dirty dishes in the sink. "Okay, come on guys." Lip says, grabbing Liam, "Well, you can leave Liam here." Fiona says, hopeful. "I got him." Lip says as he walks by, "Lip." She calls, "Fiona, just get some sleep." Lip sighs and walks outside, Carl and I following close. "Okay, drop Liam and I off so you can keep your car and I'll see you two after class?" "Yup, sounds good. You drive." I say, smiling innocently as I toss him my keys, "Passenger princess." Lip shakes his head with a smile as he closes the back door after putting Liam in and walking to the driver seat, "You love it."


"You, stay here, watch whatever you want on TV. I have snacks and drinks in the mini fridge; eat whatever you want. Don't answer the door for anyone and stay put. I love you and I'll be back." I instruct Carl and hand him the remote. "Behave." I say as I open my door, "Fine, love you." Carl says and plops on my bed, oh he better fucking stay put or I'll kill him.

"Hey, Sadie!" I hear Mr. Martin call me from down the hallway, "Hey, how're you?" I ask with a friendly smile, "Good, good. I've been signing you in for your Civics class and so far so good." He whispers and I nod, "Thank you so much, I'm so sorry I'm juggling school and home, it's been so rough lately with Lip and his little siblings who are basically mine-" I begin to ramble off and he smiles, "Hey, it's totally okay. I get it. Maybe sometime if you're free we can go out to eat or something? I know you don't like drinking." Mr. Martin offers, quietly, "I'll think about it for sure." I smile and he nods, "I have to get to class, thank you for everything." I thank him once more as I start down the hall to go to class.

"Sup Sade." The school's pretty boy says to me as we walk to class, we have the same major meaning pretty much all the same classes, I can never get away from him. It's Sadie." I say, slightly annoyed, I don't like when random people call me that. "Well, Sadie. You playing softball this upcoming season? I heard you were good." "I don't know who told you that because I haven't played in two years now." I say, still looking straight ahead, "Well are you?" "No, I have other things on my agenda." "Like?" "Taking care of my family, they're the most important things to me." I answer truthfully, "They can't take care of themselves?" he scoffs and I ignore him, "Bitch." He scoffs and nudges into me forcefully as he walks away. I quietly wince at the pain that is shoot through my right shoulder, I haven't felt this type of pain since my dad; I don't miss this pain but I miss my dad, I don't know why I'd miss someone who treats me like that but then again, I miss Lip every time we're apart–I am my mother's daughter.

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