quid pro quo

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"Mick, put pants on. Your dick is hard." I scoff as I walk downstairs to see Mickey in boxers drinking the last of the Sunny D, "And that's Liam's juice." I grab the now empty container out of his hands then groan. "It's just a dick, everyone here has seen one." Mickey rolls his eyes, "You live here now?" Carl asks, coming down stairs, "Wife problems." "Shouldn't have married her." I mumble and he pushes my shoulder gently, the same shoulder that's bruised causing me to wince, "Shit, you okay?" Mickey's tone quickly changes and Carl rushes over, "Don't touch her." He shoves Mickey out of the way, "It's fine, it wasn't him. Go sit, I'll get you some cereal in a sec, okay?" I comforted Carl, "What happened?" Mickey mutters to me as Carl walks away and I shake my head, "It's nothing. Stop mentioning it." I whisper back quickly as I hear Lip's voice. "Hey can you tell whoever is going to the store to get more eggs and Tabasco?" Mickey asks Carl, "Why are you still here?" Lip scoffs, "Ian said I can crash on the floor." "This isn't a shelter." Lip snarks, "I know, the shelter's got better water pressure." Mickey says as he shovels cereal in his mouth. Jesus Christ this house is full of tension. It makes me sick.


"So you gonna tell me what happened now that nobody is here?" Mickey asks as I'm laying on the bunk bed, "Ian is here." I try to avoid the subject, "Downstairs you twat. Come on, what happened?" Mickey says, I sigh and get off the bed, "Some guy at school." "A guy?" Mickey's eyes fill with excitement, he loves fighting, "Not on purpose, he kinda just bumped into me." I explained, "You sure? I'll kill him." Mickey says and I nod, "Yes, I'm sure." "Let me see your arm." Mickey says, grabbing my wrist lightly and pushing up my sleeve, revealing a large bruise on the side of my shoulder, "What the fuck, Sade?" He yells, "It's fine, shut up." I groan and push past him walking downstairs.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask Ian as I see him cutting up his ROTC pants, "Making some shorts for work." He smiles at me, "Trolls at the club get off on the General Patton fantasy?" Mickey asks as he comes downstairs. "More like SEAL Team Six." Ian corrects, "Excuse me." Mickey smiles and then there is a knock at the door. I furrow my eyebrows since we aren't expecting guests and nobody who comes here regularly knocks. "Where is he?" Svetlana's accent pierces through me as soon as Ian opens the door, "Your sister knows where you are but not mother of your child?" Svetlana asks Mickey, I gasp when I see the cutest little baby in her arms, "Oh my goodness, a baby." I say, standing up quickly to admire him and she hands him to me, "Yevgeny." Svetlana says and I look at her, slightly confused, "Baby's name." She says, "Yevgeny." I repeat, looking at him with a smile. "When you come home?" Svet asks Mickey, "I'm not coming home." Mickey says, walking away. Ian starts towards them and I grab his arm, "Don't." I say and he sighs then runs upstairs. "Seven pounds, six ounces. Weight of your child if you care." "Fat little fuck, isn't he." Mickey scoffs, "That's actually a normal healthy baby." I inform, "I do everything I can to make sure he doesn't turn into piece of shit like you." Svet yells at Mickey, "Yeah and I'm sure you're gonna turn him into a nice, upstanding citizen." He scoffs, "We need money for diapers, stroller, changing pad." "Go to work." "I do, but it's ot enough for Raisa." "Who the fuck is Raisa?" Mickey asks, putting on his jacket, "One of the girls, she fell asleep while using nair. She has third degree burns on her pubis." "Jesus Christ." I mutter, handing Yevgeny back to her, "She can't work so she watches baby." "Hold on, so I'm supposed to pay some whore on the DL to baby-sit?" Mickey asks and that's when I decide to dismiss myself from the conversation and go check on Lip and Liam.


"Hey, good timing." I say as I see Lip walking out of the building, "Shit, hey, you okay?" Lip asks, putting his arm around me as we walk. "Yeah, fine. Svetlana just came by and was bitching at Mickey so I left, felt like it was a good time to come check on you guys." "I'm headed back to my dorm now." Lip says, bending down to what I thought was to tie his shoe until he comes back up and puts a ball of snow down my jacket, "Oh you're dead, Gallagher." I say, grabbing my own ball of snow and chasing him down the sidewalk, "If you can catch me." He teases which causes me to pump my gears to catch up with him and shove snow in his face, "Ha!" I shout and he smiles, "Whatever." He rolls his eyes playfully and we continue walking back to his dorm.

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