spiral staircase

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"I need like twelve Gs before August first." I hear Carl huff as I walk downstairs, "That's in like three weeks!" Debbie exclaims "I can give you the money." I say to Carl, "No, Sade. I gotta do this myself." Carl huffs "Third command of military-" "Yeah, babe, it's starting to smell in here so please hurry up." I say nicely before ruffling his hair and leaving to meet Lip at the diner.


"Look!" I gasp as I see Brad walk into the diner with a baby strapped to him. Lip holds back a smile as Brad walks over towards us, "Hey, got a little human stuck to ya." He teases. "Had to get Miles out of the house so Cami could get some sleep." Brad explains, "Can I hold?" I ask, holding my hands out, "Please." He sighs in relief as I steal the baby from the carrier, "He has the cutest little nose." I gawk at him, Lip leans into me, looking at Miles, "He is cute, congrats man." Lip says, waving at the tiny baby in my arms. "Thanks. What are you two up to?" "Feeding his sweet tooth." "After I blow her brains out I like to eat pie." Lip chuckles as he takes another bite, "Lip!" I mutter, slapping his arm. "Wanna hit a meeting with us later?" Lip asks Brad, "I can't. Gotta clean the place before Cami's parents fly in." He sighs, "Oh, shit. I forgot to sign the employee checks, can you pick them up for me later?" Brad asks and Lip nods, "Of course." Lip says, "As much as I'd love for you to keep him and give me a break, Cami might murder me." Brad chuckles as he gently takes Miles from me, "I'll watch him anytime." I offer and he smiles, "I'll let Cami know. See ya later guys." Brad dismisses himself.

"Here you go." Lip huffs as he hands Brad the envelope with the checks, "Can I see the baby?" I ask and he nods, stepping aside to let us in. "Cami, Lip and Sadie are here." He announces quietly. "Sorry about the mess." Brad apologizes as we walk in, "Oh, it's no problem." Lip says, cheerfully closing the door behind us. "This is Cami, my fianceé." "Excuse the boob." She says, tiredly as she feeds Miles. "Don't worry about it, I've been around babies and boobs a lot." Lip jokes. "He's so precious." I say to her as Lip and Brad talk about work. "Thank you. Wanna hold him? He's just about done." She's almost begging me to take him, "Sure, of course!" I say, sanitizing my hands and sitting next to her as she hands him to me. "You're a natural." She says sweetly to me. "She is right?" Lip chuckles softly, sitting next to me. "Wanna hold him too?" Cami asks Lip, he nods, "Hand sanitizer." Cami and I say in sync, "Right, right." Lip says, reaching over to pump some into his hand. "Here you go." I say, gently placing Miles in his arms. "Hi handsome." He speaks quietly, "He's so good with him." Cami whispers, "It's sweet isn't it?" I smile at Lip, "Don't have one yet." Cami informs, "Seriously don't." Brad says from across the room. "Why not? Doesn't he bring you closer?" Lip asks and Brad shakes his head. "We've wanted to kill each other about seven times in the last twenty four hours." Cami huffs. "Is that why you wanted us to come?" I ask Brad, "Partially but I did need the employee checks. You two f-u-c-k a lot, Lip doesn't need a kid right now he's just getting the hang of the sober thing." Brad scolds me slightly, "Hey, don't talk to her like that." Lip defends me, "Okay, give the baby back you don't need to pass the negative vibes through him." I get up so Lip can hand him back, "Let's go. Thanks for letting me hold him again." I thank Cami, "Of course, anytime you're both invited here anytime." She says, rocking Miles. "I'm sorry I came off as rude, I haven't slept." Brad apologizes, "It's fine." I wave him off, "See you later." Lip dismisses himself as we leave Brad's house.

"Don't get feisty when you have a baby in your arms." I wave my finger in Lip's face, "Sorry." He throws his hands up in surrender, followed by a chuckle. "Brad said I might need a new sponsor since he won't be able to handle my two in the morning calls for help anymore." Lip informs as we get into the car, "Well, that's a good idea if you feel like you need someone." I reassure, "I feel like Brad and I need each other, without me to care for will he relapse?" Lip worries, "Lip, it's not your job to take care of him." "But he takes care of me." Lip argues and I sigh, "Do what's best for you, not others. Always make sure you come first." I say once more before the conversation is over, Lip is stubborn and he will get himself too involved like always. I have a bad feeling about this.

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