collegiate scam

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"What the fuck do you mean you smashed peoples' windshields?" I ask Lip in disbelief as he is panting in my ear, "Pissed me off, I was a few minutes late for my midterm because some cunt took my clothes out of the dryer and I got locked out of my dorm. I sprinted with wet jeans and no shoes down to the exam room and shit went south." "So you smash windshields to make it worse?" I ask, annoyed. "They didn't even catch me." Lip snickers, I groan at his response, "You're so-" My phone beeps, cutting me off, I look at my screen, "Shit, Lip, Debs is calling, I'll call you back." I say quickly, hanging up and answering Debbie's call, "Hey, you okay?" I ask, slightly panicked. "Yes, I'm fine but I wanted to talk to you, woman to woman." Debbie explains and I furrow my eyebrows, "Is Fiona not around?" I ask, "She is but, I can't talk to her, you know that." Debbie sighs, "What's going on, Debs?" My tone converts from panicked to concerned, "There's a guy I really like," "Matt?" "Yes, and I want to take it to the next level with him." Debbie sounds hesitant, "How old is he Debs? Didn't you say he was older? How much older is older?" "Twenty." "Twenty?" I repeat back in shock, "He's my age Debs! No way, if it was someone your age I'd totally give you advice but no fucking way Debs." I'm shocked, "Ugh, you sound like Fiona." She groans then hangs up. What is that little girl on? I think to myself as I glare at my phone.

Lip barging into my dorm startles me, "Jesus Christ, Lip." I say with a hand on my chest, "You gave me a key." He says with a smile as he dangles the key in front of me, "How did you get here so fast?" "Well," Lip says and looks down, my eyes follow his and I see his damp jeans and dirty white socks, "You are unbelievable." I laugh and reach into my bottom drawer, throwing him a pair of his jeans and new socks, "Hopefully those fit you, I stole them from you two years ago." I smile as he stares at his old favorite pair of jeans, "You bitch, I was looking for these for months and you just sat there with an innocent smile like you didn't know." Lip smiles with his tongue in his cheek, "Yes I did." I say cockily. "Oh yeah, you're happy about that?" Lip asks as he throws his cold damp jeans at me, "Fuck off." I shout as I peel them off of me and throw them on the floor. Before I could even process what happened, Lip was hovering over me as he passionately kissed me. Those kisses lead into something I didn't want. I didn't want to yet the words couldn't come out, maybe because deep down I did want it.


"Hey, don't get a morning after pill this time." Lip says as we drive back to South side, "What?" I ask, shocked, "You don't want a little ghetto rugrat running around?" Lip chuckles, "Lip, we're only eighteen and we're still in school." "Almost nineteen." "That's not the point. We also shouldn't have even had sex, I told you last time I didn't want to." I say, sternly, "Those moans didn't say that." I hear him mutter under his breath, "That's not funny." I say, tears brim my eyes but I don't let them fall. "Shit, I'm sorry. I was joking." Lip's tone also changes as he recognizes mine, "It's fine." I say, parking my car at the Alibi and getting out.

"Hey Sade!" Kev immediately greets me with a giant hug, "Oh shit, Lip too? Straight out of the ivory towers. How're you guys doing?" Kev asks as he hugs Lip, I glance over at Lip before walking away, "Oh shit, what'd you do now?" I hear Kev mutter to Lip, "Nothing, just drop it." I say, rolling my eyes and sitting down, Lip sits two seats away from me. I feel Kev glance at me a few times as he pours Lip a beer, "For four years of frat parties, intellectual circle jerks, speed reading 300-year-old novels that'll be forgotten the second the test is over, all because we're told we can succeed in the world without a piece of paper." Lip begins to vent, poor kid is so stressed, he hates change so much; I hope he doesn't drop. "It's bullshit! Bill Gates dropped out, Steve Jobs!" Lip continues his rant, I know I shouldn't care but I do and I feel bad. "Lip, you're not dropping out." I finally break my silence, "She speaks!" Kev celebrates, "Shush." I roll my eyes at Kev and turn my body towards Lip, "You can't drop, you have too much potential." I mother him, "Whatever, Sade." Lip rolls his eyes at me, sipping his beer. "Knock it off." Kev mutters to Lip, "It's all just one big collegiate scam." Lip says as he takes another chug of beer.

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