jealousy is a disease, get well soon.

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"Where's Fi?" V asks me out of breath and in pain, "I don't know but I sped here, how're you doing?" I say, also out of breath from running down the hall, "I can't wait to get these girls out of me!" V says before letting out a painful groan and she grabs onto Kev and I. "God, I'm so sorry I can't help. I'm useless at this." Kev complains as V winces in pain, "Shutting up would help, Kev." I advise as V throws her head back in pain letting out a scream, "One more push, I see a head!" The doctor calls out and V squeezes the circulation from my hand as she pushes. The sound of a baby crying fills the room as V sighs in relief, "You did so good." I comfort as she rubs the top of my hand with her thumb, "Thank you for being here." She says in between her breaths. "Okay Veronica, one more time." The doctor says as she gets in place to deliver the second baby.


"Lip said Fi never came home last night." Kev says, coming back into the room, "Shit. This is why I can't stay at my dorms anymore, I gotta go check on the kids." I say annoyed as I place Jemma back in her bassinet, "Bye Amy, Bye Jemma, Bye Kev, Bye V. Congratulations, you did amazing. I love all four of you." I smile and hug Kev and V receiving a kiss on both sides of my face before I hurry to the Gallaghers'.

"Is Fi here?" I ask Carl as he walks outside, "No going to look now." Carl replies to me then quikcly turns to Lip as he pulls up in a car that is not mine, "Nice wheels." Carl compliments, "Thanks it's Amanda's, she's my gi-" Lip stops when he sees me, "I don't know." Lip mutters and I roll my eyes, "Carl, who's that?" I ask as he walks towards a beat down Toyota, "Bonnie, bye." Carl says right before he gets in and the car skirts off. "That kid is gonna kill me one day with all this stress he puts me through." I mumble to myself as I walk into the house. "Hey, heard from Fiona?" Debbie asks me as soon as I walk in, "No, nothing. She never showed up to the hospital." "Doesn't she have that ankle monitor, can't we call the probation officer to see if she knows anything?" Debbie asks, innocently. "No, that'll make shit worse." Lip says from behind me. "So what do we do now?" Debbie asks as she lugs Liam into his playpen, "Wait and hope she's okay." I answer, walking towards the kitchen. "Will you make him lunch? I gotta study, "Busy." I blurt out, "Debs, can you please make him something?" I ask her and she nods, "Of course." "Thank you." I say and walk back towards the living room to leave, "Where are you going?" "Out." I answer, slamming the door behind me and taking out my phone; I'm calling Adam.

"Hey, what's up Sadie! You okay?" Mr. Martin answers the phone, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering if you were free maybe we can hang out? Just taking you up on that offer." I respond, nervously. "Definitely, I have a meeting in 15 but after that I can come pick you up if you want or we can meet somewhere." "We can meet at the same place from last time, see you later." "Bye, Sadie."


"Hey, Sadie." Mr. Martin's voice snaps me out of my space, "Oh, hey. How was your meeting?" I ask as he sits down across from me, "Bullshit, useless information." He waves it off, "You hungry?" He asks and I shrug, "Don't really have an appetite, but if you're hungry feel free!" I shoot him a soft smile, "What's going on?" I shrug, "Feeling a little lost, I need to ground myself that's all. It's been a weird couple months." I explain briefly. "I totally understand, college isn't easy." He tries to reassure me but college isn't the problem; it's Lip. "Speaking of, you really need to start coming to class after winter break. Attendance is a part of your grade and I can't keep signing in for you because they're checking for faces after break, not just names." He explains, "Can I just switch to online classes or something? I don't know if in person attendance is going to work for me." "Sadie, you need to prioritize yourself. Your family can deal without you for a little while, this will benefit not only you but them too in the long run." He counsels me, "If I wanted a guidance session, I would've met you in your office." I mutter and lean back in my chair, "If you didn't want to be guided you wouldn't have called me." He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, "What if I called you because I wanted to get someone really pissed off at a dinner tomorrow night?" I shift my body forward to be directly in his face. He smiles softly, "As a guidance counselor, I know that is not a good idea." He says, pausing for a moment before his soft smile turns devious, "But as a guy who is really attracted to you and loves pissing off shitty ex-boyfriends, I'm in." His response makes me smile wide, "You are the best! Tomorrow night, 2119 North Wallace. Be really touchy, whatever you want." I say, standing up, "I got you." He smiles, "See you tomorrow night." He says, gently grabbing my hand and kissing it, "See you tomorrow." I say softly blushing as I leave Starbucks.

Just as I leave, my phone starts ringing, it's Lip. I groan before answering the phone; "What?" I snark, "Fi is in fucking Sheboygan." Lip says, sounding very annoyed and stressed, "Okay?" I question, wondering what he wants me to do, "Can you come get Liam, bring him home?" "Sure." I say then hang up.


I get into Lip's dorm room just to see Amanda and Liam playing on the floor, "Oh hey, Lip said you'd be coming over." Amanda says, still sitting on the floor, "Yup." I'm short as I pick Liam up, "Hey, don't be jealous that Lip chose me." Amanda snarks, causing me to chuckle, "A few things, I'm family no matter what meaning I will always be above you, and trust me, Lip will get bored and cheat on you." "Maybe that's what happened to you, but it won't happen to me." She crosses her arms and stands in front of Lip's bed, "Okay." I snicker, grabbing Liam's bag and leaving the room, "Stay away from him." She blurts out as I have my hand on the door handle, "What?" I ask, turning to face her, "Stay away from Lip." She demands, "You're fucking delusional." I laugh then leave the room.

Weird bitter bitch.


"Hi Sadie, Bye Sadie." Carl says quickly as he walks past me, "Uh, where are you going?" I ask, putting Liam in his playpen, "Bonnie." "I don't like her, Carl." I say, crossing my arms, "She seems to be nothing but trouble." "I like her, she's fun and I promise I'm safe." Carl groans, "Whatever, behave and don't do anything your brother would do." I roll my eyes, "Which one?" He chuckles, "All three of them." I shout as I walk away to the kitchen to make Liam something to eat.

As I'm feeding Liam, my phone starts ringing; I groan thinking it's Lip but when I pull my phone out I see it's Carl and I answer quickly, "Hey babe, what's going on?" I slightly panic, "Frank is dying and supposedly getting married right now, can you come to the hospital?" Carl asks me with slight sadness in his voice, ""Yeah, I'm coming." I say and he hangs up, "Come on bud, your dad is getting married." I say to Liam, making him laugh, "Yeah, it is funny." I giggle and we head out to my car.

On the way to the hospital I decided to call Lip; "Hey, everything with Liam okay?" "Yeah but, your dad is kinda like really dying this time and getting married to Sheila, meet us at the hospital if you can." I inform him and quickly hang up, not wanting to hear anything he has to say


"Sade," Mickey whispers, grabbing me softly by my elbow and pulling me into the hall, "What's going on with Ian? One minute he's fucking superman running around making pancakes and shit and the next he almost took Kenyatta's throat out." "He almost did what?" I ask, shocked, "Nevermind, what's wrong with him?" "I told you, his mom has Bipolar, so doesn't he. He needs fucking help." I shout in a whisper and Mickey sighs, "No, he doesn't need meds." Mickey has tears in his eyes as he walks back into Frank's room as the wedding music begins, "To succeed, every marriage must surmount great obstacles," Kermit begins as Sheila grabs Frank's limp hand, "Just usually not this early on. But as we now see, it is not the stained-glass windows of a church that make a wedding, it is the two loving people who stand, and lie, before us." Kermit continues. "Sheila, do you promise to love and cherish Frank in sickness," he pauses, "and I guess just in sickness till death do you part?" "I do." She says softly, tears in her eyes, "Uh and we'll assume Frank feels the same. Frank and Sheila, it is my honor to declare you man and wife, you may kiss the groom." Kermit finishes and Sheila makes out with half dead Frank as all the drunken members of the Alibi clap around them. "Move! I need everyone to move! Step back!" A nurse shouts as she and others rush into Frank's room, "What's going on?" Sheila panics, "He's in serious condition so they moved him up the waiting list." The doctor announces as they're pulling him away, "What does that mean?" Carl asks in a panic, "He's getting a liver." Both the doctor and I say, his being louder than mine as mine is in shock and disbelief.

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