lumps and humps

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While Kev was at work he discovered a lump on his right breast. I offered my support at his appointment today even though I'm just as nervous as him. "Kev, I'm sure everything is okay." I say, holding Jemma on my lap, "I don't know, the lump is hard." He grabs my hand and places it over his peck and I feel a hard large marble sized lump, "Jeez, V never noticed that?" I ask, "We haven't had time in a while to do anything." Kev says and my eyes widen. I hope he's okay. "Kevin Ball." The medical assistant calls and we all get up "Mrs. Ball?" The girl questions me, "No, all three of these girls are my daughters." Kev explains and she nods and lets us all come in with him.

"I'll have you undress from the waist up and you can put this gown on if you need to, the doctor will be in shortly." The girl says and Kev nods. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Kev." I say, reassuring both him and myself. I can't lose him, my stomach is in knots. Kev huffs as he takes his shirt off and sits up on the table.

"Hi, can you state your last name and date of birth please?" The doctor asks as she walks into the room, "Ball. January 31, 1974." Kev says with a huge lump in his throat you can see from a mile away. "I'm going to take you down for some quick imaging but first I'm going to feel around both breasts just to ensure there are no other lumps or anything we should be concerned about." She explains then sanitizes her hands before feeling around both of his pecks. "Okay, your girls can stay here, we'll be right back, okay?" She explains, opening the door and walking out, Kev follows behind. I'm so scared for him.

"There is a 4 centimeter mass on your right breast. We need to take a biopsy immediately." The doctor says, coming back into the room a few minutes after Kev came back. Kev's face drops, "It's gonna be okay." I say and grab his hand. I fucking hope it's gonna be okay.


"I like Corporal Carl in the kitchen." Ian says as he grabs his plate, "Tastes pretty good too." Lip says with a mouthful, "Jeez, eating for two?" Ian teases, "Boy or girl?" He adds, "Boy I hope." I say, patting Lip's belly softly, "Are you?" Ian starts and I shake my head, "No." I smile and put my plate in the sink. "Lip, you're twenty one right?" Frank asks, "I'm twenty three but okay, ballpark I guess." Lip says with a mouthful, "Speaking of, it's your birthday soon." Lip says to me, "Oh yeah, Saturday." Ian smiles, "No guys, let's not celebrate it." I say, I don't like celebrating my birthday anyway but with Kev having this cancer scare, I'm really not in the mood to celebrate. "We have to!" Frank cheers, "Your twenty third birthday!" He adds, giving me a hug. "Just a day, not a big deal." I say, "What would a twenty one year old wear to an interview?" Frank asks, holding up a green and a blue button down shirt. "Well, a fifty two year old who was in a delusional crack haze thinking he was twenty one would wear the green shirt that doesn't belong to him." Lip says with a cheek full of pancake. "I was gonna pick the same one. Young minds think alike." Frank smiles and throws the blue one back into the dryer. "You got a job interview?" Carl scoffs, "Looking to collect disability again, Frank?" Lip asks. "That was the old Frank! This Frank is different." Frank defends himself, "This day cannot get any weirder." I mutter. "Sleeping over my friend Dylan's house tonight, bye." Liam announces as he walks through the kitchen. "Be safe, call me if you need anything." I call out and he shoots me a thumbs up, "When did he get grown?" I grimace, "Who knows." Lip huffs


"What you gonna spend it on?" I hear Lip ask Ian as I walk into the kitchen, "Got something in mind to honor Monica." Ian smiles as he pours coffee, "Really?" I ask. "Yeah." He nods, "You still emo about her?" Lip scoffs and I smack his bicep, "Be nice." I say through my teeth with my finger pointing in his face. "Just gimme back the money if you're so upset about her." Carl says, reaching for the envelope. "Hey!" Ian shouts, snatching his envelope back from Carl. "Guys, it's his money let him do what he wants." I say, eating my eggs. Just then Liam walks inside, "Hi buddy, how was your friend's house?" "Huge! He has seven bathrooms!" Liam exclaims as he goes into the fridge grabbing milk and the box of cereal on the counter.

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