these are my people.

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"Sean's back?" I ask, taking a bite of Ian's chicken leg, "Fucker." He mutters, nudging me gently. "Yeah, let him in this morning." Liam says, pouring himself cereal. "Jesus, Fi is gonna spiral." I sigh. "What are you guys gonna do while I'm gone with Kev and V?" "Spiral." Ian jokes, "I believe it." I chuckle.

Kev found his birth family, he wants to go meet them and invited me to come. I was hesitant, I didn't want to leave the boys alone but I have to support Kev and technically these are kinda like grandparents grand aunt's whatever they are. They're imbred. I'm kind of excited to go to Kentucky but I'm nervous; is Lip going to cheat? Is Ian going to go manic again? Is Liam gonna be okay? My mind is racing, I'm sure they'll manage, right?

"Call me, text me. Let me know how fucked they are maybe it'll make me feel better about being a Gallagher." Lip jokes to try and make me feel better, "Can you come with me?" I beg, "Fuck no." Lip says, kissing me softly, "But I'll be here when you get back." He says, hugging me tightly, "I love you, don't worry about us. We'll be fine." He says, holding my face and giving me a big wet forehead kiss. "We won't kill each other." Ian steps in and gives me a hug, "Go meet those hillbillies." Ian teases and I nudge him away, "Fuck off." I chuckle, "I don't know what they're talking about, we need you." Carl steps in, "No you need her because you still have a fat crush on her." Ian pushes his head, "Do not." Carl crunches his nose. "I'll be back soon, don't kill each other please." I say and he sighs, "Maybe." He smiles and hugs me, "I love you." I say, scratching the back of his head. "I love all of you. See you in a few days if I don't get killed by a hillbilly." I say, walking over to Kev and V's with my backpack full of stuff.


"I can't believe I'm about to meet my real life family." Kev says as he drives through the country roads. "I didn't know I had relatives. How do I greet them? Do we kiss on the cheek? Do we hug? I don't want to get it wrong." He rambles. "All my family reunions start off with all my aunts arguing about who fucked up the potato salad." V says, "Mine were rare and we'd hug awkwardly and kiss every elder on the cheek, it was so uncomfortable." I complain as I'm squished between two car seats and giggling toddlers. "Look at all the birds. It's so green. The land of my people." Kev changes the topic and admires the scenery. "It looks like we're gonna get murdered." I point out, "The babies and I first." V adds and Kev looks at us, anxiously.

As soon as we pull up to a house a woman comes out, "Bart!" Her thick accent calls out, "Little Barty is that you?" She sings, "Can I stay in the car?" I mutter, "No!" V points her finger at me as they both get out. I unbuckle both girls and carry them both out of the car. "Are these your babies?" She asks, looking at us three girls. "Yes." Kev smiles, "This is my wife, Veronica and the one over here is Jemma, the other is Amy; they're twins and the one in the middle is Sadie." Kev introduces all of us. "Just like your brothers. Love the dark meat." Kev's aunt teases and I look at V with wide eyes, she gives me the same expression.

What did we get ourselves into?


"You all can sleep in your sister Bambi's old room." She says as she opens a bedroom door, "Some of your old baby stuff is in here too, not sure if you'll remember." She adds and Kev gasps, "Is that," "Yup." She smiles as Kev rushes over to a teddy bear. "I'll leave you to relax before supper." She says before leaving and closing the door behind her. "I'm not eating racoon." I mutter to V and she holds her hands up in surrender, "Look how happy he is." She whispers as we look at Kev, admiring his toy bunny.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch or something? There's just one bed. I can even sleep on the floor." I offer then look around seeing all the dead, stuffed creatures, "Maybe not the floor." I take back what I said. "You can sleep with the babies if you want or with us, I don't mind." V says, giving me a look; she wants me in the bed with her, she is just as creeped out as I am. I want to go home, I miss my bed and my boys.


"Sade, where's Kev?" She whispers to me, "I don't know but I want to go home." "Me too." "They're so racist V and their dead animals stare at me." I complain, "Glad I'm not the only one." All of a sudden a loud, obnoxious horn blares causing V and I go outside to see Kev hanging off the side of a truck, "I shot a deer!" Kev shouts and my eyes widen as I see a deer tied to the front, "Can we go, can we go, can we go?" I repeat as I walk back to the room. "I'll find my way back. I can't do it." I explain, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "Sadie, you can't leave!" V exclaims, "Yes I can. My family is in Chicago and my family doesn't kill deer and scream yee yee and have confederate flags. I'm leaving." I chuckle, "Take me." V mutters, "That's your man." I point to Kev who looks like a straight up Hill. Billy. "Have fun at your picnic!" I say, cutely as I begin my journey to the nearest bus station.

I bought a one way ticket back to Chicago on my walk towards the bus station. I felt bad leaving, this was important to Kev but I can't do the dead animals and the smells. I can't and I feel like shit for leaving, hopefully they forgive me.

I'm in the middle of hicktown but luckily I had service to call one of the boys. Lip, no answer. Ian, no answer. I finally call Carl, he always answers. "Hey, you ok?" Carl immediately asks, "Barely. I'm coming home tonight. Do you want to get me from the airport? My keys are in my room in the top drawer." "Of course, what time?" "Uh," I put him on speaker to look at my flight information, "I land at 6:15." "See you then, you missed a lot of shit." Carl chuckles, "Jesus Christ. Is everyone okay?" "Barely but don't worry, we're alive. See you later. Love you." He leaves me at a cliffhanger, he can't do this to me! I swear I'm gonna kill him when I see him.


"I'm home!" I announce as I walk into the Gallaghers. They all cheer, "Just in time, pizza just got here." Ian says, giving me a side hug. "How were the hillbillies?" "Shit." I huff as I sit on the arm of the chair next to Lip, "Fiona told off some chick she thought was Sean's wife." Lip chuckles, "What?" "You missed a lot." Fiona chuckles, "Catch me up!" I say, grabbing a slice. Just as Fiona is talking, Franny pulls herself up and takes a few steps towards me, "Oh my god!" Debbie shouts, "Good job baby, keep coming." I say, opening my arms as she stumbles into them as we all cheer for her success. I'm glad this is my family, I don't ever want to leave them again. This is my forever family, these are my people.

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