baby proofing a home

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"Oh, Mick." I sympathize, crawling into his bed laying in between his legs giving him a hug. "He was an awful human being." Ian says, "I know, a piece of shit." Mickey cries, "Then why are you crying?" Ian asks, "I don't fucking know." He cries again. "Ian shut up." I throw a pillow at him "Let him grieve." "How can you grieve over a homophobic nazi who's tried to kill you?" Ian scoffs. "I grieved over my dad who wasn't really dead even though he beat the shit out of my daily. You grieved for Monica who was barely in your life so I mean we all have our different shit." I say, "Yeah!" Mickey says, tears in his voice. "Just shush." I palm Mickey's face. "This is your fucking fault." Mickey says, muffled into my hand, "What?" I ask, moving my hand. "Ian's the one who hired that fucking nun or whatever she is." "She said she was a great caretaker." Ian justifies, "More like undertaker." I mutter and Mickey smacks my head with a pillow. "This is so unfair man," Mickey cries again, "I could've killed that fucker myself like a thousand times." "Are you crying because you didn't do it yourself?" I question, "Yes!" Mickey wails. "That's my cue to go." I say, getting out of bed and going downstairs.

Just as I walk out of the room I hear Lip scream, "What happened?" I ask, rushing down to the kitchen, "Who drywalled the hole?" He asks me, his eyes are crazy, "It wasn't us." Ian says, right behind me. "I didn't even hear you come out." I mutter to him, "I heard Lip scream and I came down to make sure it was all good down here." Ian says, looking at me. "Why wouldn't it be?" Lip asks before his eyes shift to Debbie who walked in from the front, "You do this?" He asks, "Did I repair the damages that some dumbfuck did to my kitchen? Yes." She says. "What's your problem?" He asks, "My problem? You're the one who's mentally unstable." Debbie insults, "Hey!" I shout over Lip about to say hurtful things, "Why can't I just buy the house from you?" I ask Lip as he yells at Debbie, "That defeats the purpose. You'd be out a shit ton." "Then why can't I give you money so you can move with Tami?" I ask, "No." Lip says, "Whatever. I need someone to hurry up and make a decision. I have too much shit on my mind for this." I complain, "Me too. Haven't pooped in days." Liam sighs and eats his cereal. "I fucking hate Gallaghers." I scoff. "You're basically a Gallagher too." Debbie says. "My statement still stands." I say, walking back upstairs.


"Who fucking stole that?" I ask once I come downstairs the next morning to see the painting that's plastered all over social media and the internet in our living room. "Frank." They all say in sync, "Jesus." I chuckle "Sade, can you help me get rid of this?" Lip asks, "Can't, I have shit to do. Sorry." I pat his shoulder "Everyone got shit to do today?" He scoffs, "You wanted to sell." I say before leaving to see my potential new house back on the North Side


"Miss Mitchell, this house is a great value for the price. It's a steal compared to other houses on the market! Five bedrooms, two and a half baths; one of which being in the master suite directly. Great fenced backyard, perfect kitchen layout especially for hosting, do you come from a big family?" The realtor asks and I nod, "Oh yeah and I'm expecting." I smile and place my hand gently on my small bump, "Congratulations!" She smiles, "I did your full background check and credit check, you qualify and honestly you're my favorite client I've ever had in all ten years of selling." She says with a smile, "I love it and the backyard is amazing along with the rest of the house. I'd love to buy this place." I smile, admiring my surroundings once more, "Perfect," She reaches her hand for mine, I grab hers and we shake hands. "I will send you some e-documents to sign and once I get those we can meet here for your keys." She smiles and picks her mask back up over her face, "Thank you so much. See you then." I smile–holy shit, I'm finally doing it. I'm moving out of the Gallagher house. 


"Liam!" I call excitedly as I walk in the house, "He's out with Frank, what's the excitement?" Lip asks from the kitchen, "Oh, nothing." I wave him off. "How's the reno going?" I ask, walking into the kitchen and waving at Fred, "Shit." He chuckles, "Sorry I can't really help." "I wouldn't want you to get hurt anyway." He says, holding up a finger with a gash in it, "Jesus Lip." I grab it and examine it gently, "No stitches but what the hell, how?" I ask and he holds up a pocket knife, "Slipped when I was cutting something." He says and I roll my eyes, "Be careful." I say then crouch down next to Fred, "Say, 'be careful, dad!'" I encourage and he babbles, "Dada." making us both smile. "Sade, I-" "The water heaters fine. Just need a new pilot light igniter." The man comes from the basement, interrupting Lip. "But I'm not gonna be able to turn your gas back on." He huffs, "Why?" Lip asks, "You got several leaks downstairs and you got one up here. Your pipes are ancient, you're gonna have to replace em." He says, muffled through his mask. "How much would that cost?" Lip asks, putting his mask on which causes me to lift mine. Being pregnant through a pandemic is the worst thing ever! I'm limited to one hour of mask time even though I want to wear a mask everywhere! I hate germs and I don't want to get sick especially not this sickness, it could kill my baby. "You have to get a final estimate from a plumber but from my better judgment probably a couple grand." He says, putting his jacket on. "I'm just trying to sell this place, can't you just patch em up and the new owners can deal with it?" Lip asks, desperately. "Don't want you blowing up the block. Let us know when they're fixed and we'll come back, turn your gas on." The man says, leaving the house. "Shit." He mutters. "V is calling me, I'll be upstairs if you need me." I say, rushing upstairs to answer the phone, "Hey V." I smile despite her not being able to see me, "Sadie, guess what! We're moving to Kentucky!" V exclaims and my jaw drops then turns into a smile, "I'm so happy you guys are loving Kentucky, how are the girls?" "They love it here! My family is here, it just makes sense for us to be here. Kev made three hundred in tips at the bar today!" She exclaims, "Holy shit, he already has a new job? Good for you guys. I'm moving into my own house on the North Side!" I also share my good news. "Oh my god baby I'm so proud of you! How's the baby doing?" "Good. Are you coming back soon? I want to do a small gender reveal with you, Kev and the girls." "Oh I'm so excited! We'll be back in a couple days, I'd love to have that with you." "See you when you get back. I love you, all of you guys." "We love you and I love my grandbaby." V says before hanging up. This is really the end and the start of something so new, god I hate change I could be sick.


Later that night as I pack up some of my belongings I hear Mickey and Lip start to argue. Anxiety fills my stomach, I hate when they fight each other. "Yo! What the fuck?" I yell, seeing them in each other's faces and before I knew it they were fist fighting, "Ian!" I shout and he comes running in, pulling Lip off of Mickey then standing between them. "Chill the fuck out!" Ian yells. "Lip! Outside now!" I yell, Ian follows him. "Talk to Mick." Ian mutters to me.

"What the fuck, Mick?" I ask, "Your fucking baby daddy is a bitch and he's tearing up a good thing and making me move to fucking West Side." Mickey slurs, slightly intoxicated. "We need to be apart. This environment isn't good for anyone." I justify, "Are you moving too?" Debbie asks, "Back to North Side. I settled on a house this afternoon." I confess. "Lip know?" Debbie asks and I shake my head, "I think it's time to tell him everything." I sigh, "Good luck." Mickey scoffs and sits down. fuck

"Hit my husband again, I'll fucking kill you." I walk outside to hear Ian say, "Think it's my turn to talk to him, Ian." I say softly and he looks up at me and nods, "Good luck." Ian says, standing up and kissing my forehead before walking into the house. "You okay?" I ask, sitting next to him looking at his fucked up eye and lip, "I guess." He sighs, I gently pull his lip down to examine the damage, "Should heal up quickly." I say and he nods, "Tami moved into her dad's." He says to me and I nod, "I heard." I say, "I can't move there." He complains, "You have to." I say and my stomach begins to flutter or maybe it's just Lip's baby trying to make me keep their dad here. "I can't be that far from home." He almost yells at me. "Sorry." He quickly apologizes. "I think Tami's dad's will be good for you guys. Still with family and still close to home." I say, "Sade, I'm not going." "Yes you are. You have to stay with Fred. He's more important." I lecture. "Fred is still my son, I'll see him every day no matter what. I don't want to move to the Tamiette's, I want you Sade. I want to stay with you." "Lip, I'm moving back to North Side and it's not just gonna be me." fuck "Yeah, Liam is living with you. So what?" He's very confused, my breath grows shallow. "I'm pregnant, Lip." I blurt out and his jaw drops, "When were you gonna tell me?" He sounds shocked and angry. "I was planning on never telling you. I was scared to. I didn't want that to be the reason you stayed here and ruined your life with Fred." "Sadie, I've wanted nothing more my whole life than to have this with you." He says placing his hands gently on my face. "Sadie, we're completing our family. You, me and a baby." "Lip, you already have a family and a baby." "And my family always involved you. No matter what, it was only ever going to be you." He says, both of us have tears brimming our eyes. "What about Tami and Fred?" "Tami is moving to her dad's, I'll talk to her about Fred. Hopefully she lets me keep him and she can come visit or I can bring him to her. We aren't that far apart, especially if you'll be in the North Side anyway." "Lip, you can't rely on that. You need to go with Tami. I'll be fine. Fred needs you more than he does." I place my hand on my slightly poked out belly, "He?" Lip asks with tears in his throat and I nod, "He." I say, handing Lip the folded envelope in my pocket. "Holy shit." Lip says with tears in his eyes, "We're having a baby." He smiles and hugs me. "Congrats, Gallaghers." Tami says from the gate, "Shit, um." "Save it, Lip." She smiles weakly. "This is what you've always wanted, I know you're a great dad and I know you will be to Fred. We can make something work but I do want you to be happy." Tami finally is nice. "I'll see you tomorrow at my dad's. You can come get your stuff." Tami nods and puts Fred's car seat into the back of her small red car. "Tami." Lip calls, "Yeah?" "Thank you." Lip sniffles and she nods, getting into her car and driving away.

Holy Shit.

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