namaste the Gallagher way!

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"Fi, did you wear my heels last night?" I ask as she strolls in the house at five in the morning, "Shit, yeah. You need em?" She asks and I nod, "First day of work at the law firm." I say, fixing my skirt, "I can't believe you graduated college." She smiles at me as she hands me my heels, "Neither can I." I smile as I buckle my heels, "Bye guys, love you!" I shout to Carl and Liam, "No breakfast?" Carl asks, "Can't, too nervous." I say, leaving. "Need a ride to work?" I ask Lip as I walk past him sitting on the stairs, "No, I want to jog; keep my mind off alcohol." He confesses and I nod, "Good." I say, scruffing his hair, "Keep using my shampoo and conditioner, your curls look great." I compliment him as I walk to my car, "Good luck today." He says, "Thank you. Love you." I say before driving off.

Lip and I aren't officially back together but we do all the couple things, sleep together, sex, sex, sleep; we go on dates sometimes too. We're taking it as slow as two people can with six years of history. It's going good so far, we're six months in with no fuck ups. I think this is it this time, god I fucking hope so.


"Sadie Mitchell, correct?" A familiar man's voice speaks to me as soon as I step foot into the firm, "Oh shit, pro bono." I tease as I see the man I forced to give Fiona a pro bono case when she needed to get the kids back. "Yes, I was so glad to see your name on the board. I told them how good you were pre-college let alone now. You planning on going to law school to take the bar?" He asks as we walk upstairs, "Yes, I actually paid for school outright, no loans or anything. I start in the fall." I explained. Carl sold all my meth; I hated that he was involved with it again but he swore he wasn't physically doing anything just giving orders. I still worry but everyone gave him their meth to sell, he's been doing a good job so far; it still makes me nervous. "That's amazing! Congrats. This will look great on your resumé, it's also paid seventeen an hour for our interns." He explains, "However, I put in a great word and got you twenty, is that good?" "Absolutely! Thank you, will I be working with you?" "Some days, other days you'll have Jimmy Martin, he's a good guy. Comes from a great family, his brother works in a school; he's a counselor. Amazing family." Eric speaks and my eyes widen, no way it's Mr. Martin's brother, no way. Mr. Martin had to change schools after Lip's scandal got out, it spread all over Chicago and they didn't want any young mentors in the girls' building anymore.


After a long day of following Eric around, I finally got to leave. It was nice, don't get me wrong it's just all so new I have a pounding headache.

"Hey my mechanic." I say to Lip as I walk into the garage he works at, "Hi, gorgeous. How was work?" He asks, kissing me on my cheek and side hugging me so I don't get grease all over me. Whistling echoes throughout the garage, "Gallagher got a smoke show!" one of his co-workers teases, "It was okay. I work with the lawyer that helped us before." I say to him quietly, "Pro bono?" Lip asks, as he twists in a filter, "Yup and I think my guidance counselors' brother." "The creep who liked you?" Lip asks, "I guess you can put it that way." I roll my eyes, "When are you out of here?" I ask, "Uh, another hour. Why what's up, gorgeous?" "Lunch?" "Of course, I'll meet you at home so I can get cleaned up.." Lip says, kissing my cheek again. "See you later." I smile softly at him before leaving the garage.


"Sade?" Lip calls from downstairs, "I'm upstairs." I shout back and instantly I hear his clunky boots climb the stairs, skipping over a few, "Hi pretty girl." Lip smiles then leans down to kiss me softly, "Hi, how was work?" I ask, pushing up my glasses, "Same shit as always." He huffs, taking off his clothes and putting them into a neat pile next to the hamper so all of our clothes don't get greasy. "I'm gonna shower and then we can go to the diner?" He asks and I nod, "Sure." I say, closing my laptop.

Once I hear the shower turn on I change out of my pajamas into a pair of high waisted distressed jean shorts and one of Carl's graphic tees accompanied by my white converse and I decide to leave my hair into the pulled back ponytail it's been in all day. Just as I finish getting dressed I hear the shower turn off and the curtain fling open, "Sade, can you come here for a sec?" Lip calls and I hurry to the door, "What's wrong?" I ask, "Come in here." Lip says and I open the door to see him waving his dick around, "You're sick." I laugh and throw a towel at him. "Oh come on, you know you liked that!" Lip teases. "Hurry up and get dressed before I leave without you. I want my fries-" "And Dr. Pepper." He adds, knowing exactly what I want, "And the little sliders Fiona added on the menu for me and Liam, thank you very much." "Oh not chicken tenders today? Wow, we're improving." Lip teases before kissing my lips gently, "I love fucking with you." He says and I shove his face away gently, "Hurry up." I repeat and he gets dressed.


"Hi! Welcome to Patsy's!" V greets before she realizes who it is, "Oh, hi baby. Hi Lip." She smiles and walks us to our unassigned-assigned booth. "Sliders, fries, ranch, pep?" V asks and I nod, "Of course." I smile, "You, Lip?" She asks as she scribbles down my order, "Turkey melt and cherry pie and I'll take a coke." Lip says and she nods, "Got it." "How was work?" I ask Lip and he shrugs, "It was good, same old shit you know? How was work for you today? You like it so far?" "It was fine, they all love me there but the lawyer who helped us before seems like too nice you know?" "What do you mean?" I hear jealousy in his tone, "I don't know-" "Ice!" Fiona shouts, interrupting our conversation as the line cooks and bus boys begin to flee towards the back. "Shit." Lip and I mutter in sync.

"Alright, V you're on register. Lip, Sade, Sierra; looks like we're cooking come on." Fiona instructs. I groan as I hoist myself up from the booth and walk into the kitchen, "I'll be back." V says, leaving, Fiona groans, "Sade, take register." She huffs and I walk over to the front end.


I don't like Lip back there with her. She's with her baby daddy again but I know how Lip is. He's been good for months now but I still worry sometimes.

I spend the rest of my unintentional shift glancing back at them through the order window–I don't know if it's because Lip's eyes are burning into the back of my skull or if it's for my own sanity. Lip has been death glaring the front end because men have given me tips and have been flirting with me all afternoon.

"Lip, Sade, you're good to go if you need to. We got it under control." Fiona says and I nod, "You sure?" I ask and she nods, "Go home." She waves us off and I head out, Lip hot on my tail.

"What the fuck was that today?" I like the rage I feel perspiring through his pores, "What?" I act stupid, "You, the flirting." He says as we get into the car, "Wasn't me! They were!" I defend, "I know you should've," He's so flustered he lets out a groan, "Is someone jealous?" I tease, "No, annoyed that you're hot and people also think that is not jealous. It's called 'I have a hot girlfriend' syndrome." He bullshits, "Oh, interesting." I chuckle. "I love you." He says, sweetly. "I love you too." I say back, slightly confused. "No, Sade. I love you, wholeheartedly from the pit of my stomach." He says, "What's with the sudden confession?" I chuckle nervously as I keep my eyes on the road in front of us even though he's driving. "I just love you, all of you. For everything. Thank you." He says, "I love you, always." I say, patting his thigh, he scoops up my hand and holds it with his free hand, gently caressing it. I love him wholeheartedly too, it gives me butterflies to hear him say it back without having any underlying reason to.


"Yo!" Lip calls to Carl, Liam and Ian as they are relaxing in the hot tub Carl bought with his Monica money, "What's up? Hop in." Carl invites us, "Wanna go?" Lip asks and I nod and begin taking off my clothes. Lip does the same then grabs me by my waist, lifting me up to sit on the ledge so I can get in without climbing, "Oh how generous." I tease as he hops in, "Gotta help the shortened group sometimes." Lip says and I roll my eyes with a huge grin, "You're not much taller." Ian teases, "Fuck off." Lip chuckles, "He's 5'7 give him a break!" I giggle. "At least I'm not shorter than my sister." Lip teases Carl, "Leave him alone!" I say, jumping on him to force him under the water.

As we were all having fun, Frank walks up the yard, "Woah! It came out great Carl!" Frank is unusually happy for his kid, "Where the hell have you been?" Ian and I ask in sync with the same confused tone. "Smoked up all my meth, got over your mother and mother in law," He looks at me then back at Ian, "And now I'm a new man." He smiles and leans against the hot tub, "I'm making amends to those I've hurt. Can I make amends to you guys tomorrow?" Frank asks all four of us, "Sure?" We all respond, slightly confused as to what the fuck Gallagher shit is going on right now. "May I?" Frank asks as he feels the temp of the water, "Sure." Carl says, still confused.

Before I knew it, I realized it runs in the family. Frank stands butt naked on the ledge of the hot tub, "Jesus Christ." I mutter, "Namaste!" Frank shouts before sitting down next to Lip.

Ho-ly shit.

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