CH. 74 The Date Day

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CH. 74 The Date Day

(Jamison POV)

It is finally date day that I have been preparing for since the moment I asked Rosemary out on a date.

Today is the day that she and I would be able to feel at ease and enjoy each other company.

Of course, I would be nervous about today. I made careful consideration and even took my time to ensure that today would be something fun for both of us.

She boosted me up when she said it would be the best date ever because I ensured I went over the top planning this date.

I even took the chance to ask Mona about everything that Rosemary didn't get the opportunity to experience.

I made sure to take the chance to include the things I could on that date with her because it's something that I wanted to make sure that she would be able to look back and see that even though she didn't get to experience these things before. She can now experience these things as an adult and finally will be able to get the chance to say she did it.

So the first part of our date was going to happen in the morning. I wanted our date to be the whole day. It was a day filled with not just one thing we could do as a date, but many things we could do that will leave many fun memories for us.

I thought about it long and hard, and I want all of this to be special for her. For someone who sees so much death, she's allowed to have at least some days filled with happiness.

Even though Rosemary hasn't admitted it, I am sure this can get very depressing. Her career can probably get to her and sometimes fill her with sadness.

She's been dealing with this longer than me, and I am sure it gets draining, especially if you get many gruesome or sad cases.

I walked out of my bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen, even though Rosemary and I had been intimate. I didn't think she would be eager to share rooms; even if she was okay with it, I didn't ask. I want to leave the pace of these things to her, and I want her to decide what she wants to do and how she would like them.

"Good morning," I said to everyone in the kitchen. Everyone looked at me at the same time.

"Well, well, well. Our boy sure does look fresh now, doesn't he?" Hailey said teasingly, causing Mona to let out a small laugh.

I let out a nervous laugh, feeling the heat make its way to my face.

"You look good, Jamison," Red said as she looked me up and down, sticking her thumb up.

"Thanks, guys. I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"So, what are everyone's plans for today?" I asked sitting

"We'll be going back today. Kendell and I, it was nice meeting everyone and getting justice served together under that sad situation." Red said in a soft voice. We all nodded our heads understanding what she meant about that.

"How are the boys doing?" I asked Mona as I leaned my arm on the kitchen island.

"They're getting there, but it will be hard for them for a while," Mona said with a sad look.

"We'll help them get through it," I said.

"I told them they could visit Kendell anytime," Red said. Kendell nodded his head with a smile.

"Yeah, I offered to play games with them anytime they want. It's not much, but I hope that it could be a way for them to be able to adapt." Kendell said, causing my eyes to widen.

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