CH.25 It's a serious time

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CH. 25 It's a serious time

(Rosemary POV)

I was in my office, sitting behind my computer screen and making sure that everything would go smoothly with my sister getting here. Her coming to help us would help us even more with what we need help with.

A knock came from my door and I already knew who it was.

"You know you can come in," I said, staring at my door for her to come in but instead the door being open Mona just decided to go through it. Some people might think she was just trying to be cool but I knew it was because she felt no need to open the door with her strength when she could just walk through it. Now that I think about it, Mona has been using lots of her strengths lately. I'm starting to be concerned and hoping she's not overwhelming herself.

I glanced back at Mona to find her staring at me, smiling, making her eyebrows dance which caused me to raise a brow, already knowing what she was going to talk to me about.

"You and Jamison are now a couple?" She said smiling wider.

"Yes," I answered. As bluntly as I could, what point was there to hide it? It wasn't anything I was ashamed of and I just told everyone we were after all.

My stomach started to feel fluttering, making me wonder if it was something I ate earlier.

Mona let out a laugh.

"I'm excited, this is the first time I've ever seen you this way and I know how you're nervous because I know you, so you not showing any facial emotions is not going to work on me. I can tell you're extremely nervous." She said smiling at me softly.

I let out a sigh.

"This is just all new to me that's all," I said as She nodded her head.

"New experiences can be good sometimes and this one is going to be good, but it's also okay to be nervous like you said before this is all new to you and Jamison knows that. I'm sure he will go with your flow." She told me.

"What if he just thinks he likes me but he really doesn't." I found myself saying, Mona's eyes widen and she shook her head quickly.

"He's been drooling over you since the minute you brought him into this house. Everyone sees that he likes you and everyone knows that he likes you. He's not only shown it by his words but by his actions and definitely by the way he looks at you." She said causing me to raise a brow.

"Don't tell me you don't notice the way he looks at you." She said looking at me with a shock expression.

"I mean, I think. I don't know." I said, not being able to find my words.

"Well, how do you feel about him?" She asked me, I didn't hesitate to answer her question.

"I have feelings for him," I said, watching her smile widen even more.

"Remember what I told you last night, let yourself start to feel. Yes, this is a first for you but you'll be okay and it's fine to feel something for someone. It's actually nice seeing you feel something for someone." She said, causing me to raise a brow.

"When you say start to feel? What do you mean, because I have felt many things towards you so it's not like the first time I'm feeling anything for someone you know." I said to her and she rolled her eyes at me. It was true, I've felt many things for Mona, I wasn't exactly a robot as most people probably thought I was.

"I am different, I've raised you and I am a mother to you. What you feel for me is completely different from what you feel and will feel for Jamison. You know that, so don't act dumb with me missy." She said with her usual sass. I let out a sigh.

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