Ch. 9 I promise, I'll find him

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CH. 9 I promise, I'll find him

(Rosemary POV)

Sending him out of my office like that and seeing the look on his face left me feeling weird. It's like I actually felt something, it's like I felt bad that I sent him out of my office.

"Pshhhh, Nope," I said to myself out loud

I dust my shoulders off and went back to my desk, I don't have time for feelings.

This psychopath is murdering these women and thinks he won't get caught?

Oh, he has no idea who the hell I am.

I hate when people bring harm to other people, I hate people who rape, I hate people who molest, I hate pedophiles and I damn well hate serial killers. I hate all these types of people and people like to deserve the worse punishment.

Sadly, they're not found fast enough. I had a friend that made sure they got what they deserved and I was damn glad that no one knew that friend identity. Only the lucky ones, I am glad that we helped each other out.

My experiment doesn't know what he is yet, I honestly couldn't believe it when I started looking for him that he actually managed to live his life as a normal person.

Well, not really normal just without bothering to come in contact with a ghost, spirits, and demons. He actually managed to block his third eye without him knowing that he did which let me know that he actually doesn't really know how to control what he has.

I had to help him get his third eye open even though he had no clue that would've happened, but I needed to bring him to my version of the world.

Well, our version of the world.

I stared at my desk, not bothering to sit down and looked at the files that were spread open.

"He didn't care that his gravesite was found, let us know that he had extra places where he could hide his victim's bodies. He didn't take a break from the killing or stopped killing which lets us know that he was cocky and believes he won't get caught at all." I said to myself out loud.

I finally sat down in my chair, letting what I was thinking hit me.

"He's been doing this for years, he see's his self as an expert. He's been doing this for fucking years." I said shaking my head.

"He hasn't been caught until now, he has been doing this for years and he's only been caught today which he thinks it's one slip up and that he could go back to being the perfect expert he thinks he is," I said to myself wanting to pull my hair out.

"People fail to realize that humans themselves can be the worse monsters." I leaned my head on my chair and let out a huge sigh.

"I promise, I'll find him," I said, feeling a presence next to me. When I looked up it was the girl from earlier, she stood there staring at me.

"I'm sorry," I said and she said nothing.

I didn't say anything and took in her looks.

She had red hair, blue eyes and looked like she's been tortured.

I wasn't scared of her.

"What's your name," I asked and she walked towards me, I didn't move. I didn't show her any fear because simply there was no fear.

"Macy, my name is Macy. He has my sister." She said and I nodded my head.

"I know, do you know that you're dead?" I asked him, taking my time asking the question and asking her softly.

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