Chapter 4: Funeral on Christmas

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I was watching my brother get buried. I hugged myself. It was cold, and this black dress wasn't helping.

There was snow everywhere and people I didn't even know where here. I saw my Dad with his wife and daughter they were crying and hugging each other, dressed in black as well.... everyone was in black!

I swallowed and turned to look at the priest... While I remembered the last 7 hours.


They had taken my brother into the ambulance and I was in the back of a police car, he was taking me home to face my Dad, what was I supposed to say?

Once we were at the doorstep the officers knocked till my father and his wife, Ana came to the door. They seemed to be opening gifts and then Marisa came as well.

There smiles fell off once they looked at me and the officers.

My dad turned to look at my shirt and hands.

" Are you okay Scar? " He asked with a frown.

" Who you murder?" Marisa asked trying to make a joke out of this, but she stopped when she saw how serious everyone was.

Ana had an annoyed look while my words were stuck in my throat.

The officers took their hats off and I saw everyone swallow.

" I can ex-xplain." I stuttered.

My father held his hand up to indicate me to stop talking.

I did with a lump in my throat and then the officer continued.

" Mr. Monroe we are sorry to inform you that your eldest son had accident and died on the spot." The officer said.

I felt everything turn quiet and the everyone's face turn to horror Ana clutched her heart. " No, my baby. " She screamed.

My sister went to hold her while my father's face went pale.

" How? " He asked.

I was dreading that question.

The officer hesitated and turned to look at me with a pity face.

" It appears your kids went out to have an illegal street race with motorcycles and your son was driving while drunk and slammed into a car and you know the rest. " The officer informed.

Marisa started sobbing and her mother wailed.

The officers then placed their hats on and started to walk back to their cars.

I looked down, looking at my father's feet.

Our house was starting to get surrounded with reporters and my father pulled me in and slammed the door.

" Is it true? " My father asked in a whisper.

" He did drink a little, but he wasn't drunk. " I whispered back.

I saw my father turn even more pale.

" How long has he been street racing?"

I stayed silent. How do I tell him I was the one street racing?


" Dad he wasn't the one sneaking out. " I whispered...

"WHAT?" He screamed.

I flinched at his tone.

" You were the one sneaking out, weren't you?" Ana hissed.

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