Chapter 113: Encounters

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June 18, 2027
With a nervous sigh I ended knocking on the door but to my surprise the door creaked open.

I then went for the doorbell to find that it had been cut or maybe pulled off with an extreme force. I bit my lip deciding whether I should go in or not.

I licked my lips and stepped inside.


I looked around expecting an employee to come and stop me but the house looked like a ghost town. There was dust everywhere, I walked around to find the kitchen a mess and the dishes had food clung to them, evidence that they had not been washed in a very long time. I swallowed once again.

What the hell had happened here?

I stood still in the kitchen and I couldn't hear a sound at all. Where was Nathaniel?

I couldn't help and let memories jump. I remember Toby and-

Stop, I hissed to myself. Be professional, I thought.

I looked around.

This would be hard. I stared out to the garden. The grass had gone to green to a light brown, everything looked dry.

I sighed lightly and I turned away with a nostalgic feeling. I walked around coming up to some stairs indicating the side of the house that had once been mine.

Memories invaded me. Focus, I said.

I continued walking till I was on the other side of the house. I began walking up the stairs to where Nathaniel's room was at.

I felt oddly nervous.

Once I was outside of his room I found the door open. The room looked dark.


I turned the lights on and I gasped in horror. The room was a mess, bottles of alcohol laid on the floor.

The windows had been filled with dark paint to stop the light from coming in. The room reeked of alcohol and the television had been dropped to the floor. There were piles of clothes on a chair.

I stared at the bed finding it empty.

"Nathaniel?" I asked.

I walked towards the bathroom and I found it empty as well. The mirror and the windows had also been covered in black paint.

I grew very worried.

Where could he be?

I had to cover my nose since the smell was awfully intense.

I walked out and stopped to look at the room again. What happen while I was gone Nathaniel?

I swallowed and began searching other rooms for Nathaniel. The same happened, the windows and mirrors were covered in dark paint stopping the light from coming in.

However, these rooms were lonely and were filled with dust and the smell was of disolation. After I finished exploring and finding nothing I grew more worried and impatience filled me.

"Nathaniel? It's me Scarlett."

I stopped to listen but I heard nothing.

I looked around in the hallway. I began walking down the stairs and I observed the living room. The television had been removed.

I frowned. My eyes then went towards the side I had lived in.

I began going up those stairs and began going straight to the room I had been staying when I had married Nathaniel.

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