Chapter 127: Truth 7

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Nathaniel tried to control his reaction, Hayden coughed lightly and I held all my shock possible.

"Yes, I'm actually her daughter!" I whispered. The nurse did agree.

I couldn't believe this I was about to faint. Not only Edward was alive but so was my mother.

I felt my chest feel heavy.

"Queen investigate if Analise Kingsley and follow her after her supposed death!"

"Yes Scarlett!" Queen whispered in my head. "

"No way to doubt it!" She whispered.

Nathaniel cleared his throat.

"We've actually come to visit them!"

The lady and the nurse looked at each other.

"What?" I asked.

"These aren't visiting hours and -" The lady stopped the nurse from talking.

"I'm sorry but you've never visited them its kind of awkward you just appear now. Mrs. Lisa never said anything about family members alive. She said Carson was a good friend and Carl was her son. She brought a medical record of them and Carson had been on drugs which damaged her brain and Carson invented this whole story about a man she loved and a daught-" The lady eyed me and she turned whiter.

" And Carl was aggressive always telling his mom he would make her pay for what she did." The lady ranted and then bit her mouth.

Nathaniel and I let out a relieved breath. They didn't know. Ana was a normal person coming to let the hospital have their patients.

Nathaniel cleared his throat he held up Edward's passport.

" Edward Monroe is Carl Rivers! I believe this psychiatric has been helping two innocent people be hostage." The lady and the nurse went whiter.

The nurse looked at the passport and her eyes couldn't believe it.

"I didn't bring an identity for Analise - Carson. I didn't know she was alive till now!" I whispered and we all stood dead silent. Mom was alive... I couldn't feel my face. I felt numb.

The silence began feeling like in a horror movie. "I have to call the director! I am sorry but these aren't visiting hours and we can't just let you through. This passport could be fake for all I know."
The lady had eyes of saucers she didn't believe the last part she mentioned either.

I took a newspaper out of Ana in jail and I provided it to the lady. Her hands shook while reading.

" That's the woman coming to visit, right?" Nathaniel whispered.

"You've been helping a murder." Nathaniel whispered and the lady shook her head in denial.

The nurse did believe us.

"Call the police!" The lady blurted out. Nerves visible on her face and our relief to know the police would come probably made her shake even more.

The police did make it and Queen helped to verify this wasn't a trick. They took pictures of the passport and had no choice than to request Carson's and Carl's medical file the lady wasn't to happy about that. I could only tell she feared for her job. We provided our testimony and they wrote it down.

"I'm sorry but until we find the truth we can't force the psychiatric to let you in you need an order if this is true it'd be ready in 72 hrs." A detective informed. I groaned.

"However, if they are under any medication suspend it!" The detective did advise. He looked worried, probably his thoughts went to those of a horror movie in which the psychiatrist is an evil place. I couldn't help think of that as well.

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