Chapter 100: Nathaniel's lost Chapter I

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"Well Mr. Nathaniel why don't you come down here and look at what you want to buy!" Jace said in a country voice.

"Where are you located at?" I asked.

I heard a laugh in the background and then someone, the man hung up on me.

I sighed and ordered my secretary to send me wherever this place was at.







Well here I stood with Connor at my side we stared at a huge place that was beautiful. there was wierdly alot of dirt but trees as well.

Once I was able to get in contact with the owner again he managed to make time to see me today. I already had a check in my hand and Connor with the papers ready.

I soon entered an office and there sat a man with a hat. He looked up and he looked old.

He smiled at me. "Pierce?" He asked. I managed to nod.

"How much for your place?" I asked. I really did not want to take long down here. I had nerves, what if there was new information on Scarlett and I was here?

"We got an impatient one Maria!" Jace said and I heard a laugh and I turned to see an old lady like him placing books on a shelf. The man soon stood up and walked up to me,

"Do you have an offer kiddo?" Jace asked. Without a second thought I handed out a check and the guy stared at it with huge eyes,

Soon the guy stretched my hand.

"Where do I sign?" He asked.

The man and the lady showed me around, the place was even better inside. I was so sure Scarlett would love it.

Then my heart grew sad. I really wanted Scarlett back and tell her how sorry I was.

"Beautiful!" Connor stated in awe.

The old lady looked very happy the place had been finally sold. I learned the Jace was the only owner of this place and Maria was his wife. The two had made this place grow, their only child, Rachel had died at the age of 14 by an infection.

After we signed Maria went to bring us coffee.

"Why sell it?" I asked in confusión.

The man gave me a tired smile.

"I'm old kid and I have noone to hand this place out to and the offer you have given me has not been made. The other's wanted to pay me too little and I don't think someone will offer what you have I really can't let this offer go, my wife is tired and it's time I dedícate the time I have left, with her." The man stated taking his hat off.

Once Maria came back she provided us coffee and hugged her husband. "Thank you!" Maria whispered and for some reason she had tears in her eyes.

"Please don't change the name and take care of this place!" She stated. I could not help and smile little.







This place was very pretty, when I had free time I would come down here and learn things about racing. Jace was kind enough to should me how to ride, a few tricks and then he showed me how to run the business, it was very how might I say it .... fun At first I had my doubts about riding but my fear of this was going away with each time I rode a motorcycle,

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