Chapter 83: King Vs. King

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The man in front of me had to be Oliver.

I heard him swallow.

It had to be him.

He placed his hands on his helmet. My breathing quickened. Soon he took it off.

He met my eyes. His tired eyes. His face looked dull, his eyes seemed painful to look at...


Oliver dropped the helmet to the floor and I did the same. His eyes flashed huge emotions.

He walked closer to me and stopped. He wanted to cry, I just knew it.

Everyone was shocked, they stared wide-eyed.

All this time, my grandfather next to me.

I saw movement around the place, police were moving in while all the gang members and street racers had their guns down.

I was afraid, this was going to turn into a bigger chaos so I walked closer and he did as well. Oliver was fighting tears he grabbed my face between both of his hands.

He didn't say anything but he grabbed his hair, tightly; with one hand and he let out a sob. He buried his face in my neck while he hugged me as hard as he could.

I embraced back and he sobbed louder. I pressed my eyes closed, squeezing them.

"Oh God. Oh God" He said between cries.

He hugged me harder than anyone had ever done. No words were spoken but all my emotions where right here and Oliver's where as well.

"Oh, God!" Oliver sobbed again.

"What a very lovely moment! My eyes snapped open to see Declan giving me a fake pout.

Oliver tensed. Declan was after all our enemy.

My father stood beside him holding the gun Oliver had dropped, at Oliver while Declan pointed a gun at me...

Declan held his hand up, doing some type of signals and soon the place started filling up with police.

In a minute street racers and gang members were being held down...

Declan smiled wider at me...

The rich people who had been on the floor started getting up and walked behind Declan.

Oliver let go of me and we met each others eyes. We both now held no emotions on our faces. Runs in the family, I guess.

I turned to look at my father who was pointing the gun at Oliver. I placed myself in front of Oliver. Oliver squeezed my shoulders.

"Oliver is it?" Declan asked amused.

"Well Oliver I want you to hand over the device, kneel and put your hands behind your head." Declan ordered.

Oliver tensed even more.

Declan walked over to me with his gun on my forehead.

"Or I'll shoot your granddaughter!" Declan said.

Oliver instantly let go of my shoulders and stood next to me.

I wasn't scared for some reason. I was just thinking about how the hell I would get everyone out of this. I still needed my moment with Oliver. I still had many questions.

Oliver looked down to the floor in defeat.

No wonder Killian had wanted to find King Racer. He would have gotten the device cause I was always Oliver's last family member... I think.

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