Chapter 99: Nathaniel's lost chapter

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Nathaniel's POV


5 months after Scarlett's disappearance:


"What do you mean you haven't found anything on her." I banged my hands at the pólice station.

"Sir, if you don't back off I am going to have to arrest you." One of the policemen said. I have been almost everday here since Scarlett went missing.

Everday I came here expecting some news but that did not happen at all. My frustation and worry grew with every passing day.

I groaned. I grabbed my hair and backed off I could see a few policemen eyeing me. I looked around and retreated. "Please if you find anything let me know." I whispered. The man in front of me nodded. I swallowed and retreated to the exit.

On my way out I clashed with non other than:

"Well look whose here... again." Killian said annoyed. I could feel my jaw press tightly. Thanks to him I was not able to press charges on Scarlett's disapearance. Yes, that's right since there was already a charge made pólice didn't need another one. I took a sigh.

"Has the pólice told you anything." I asked containing my anger.

"No just as useless as Delcan, and if they did tell me anything I wouldn't tell you." Killian said. I grew angry instantly. "Killian it is my right to know if she is okay!" I hissed.

"You lost that right the minute you let her walk away!" Killian yelled back angrily.

I felt that like a blow and my heart grew small. "We all make mistakes and I am learning from mine." I whispered in a small voice.

"Just please let me know, I want to know that's she's okay. That nothing happened to her!"

Killian's jaw became tense and in an instant I had him whispering in my ear.

"That's where you are wrong, everything happened to her and you never stopped to pay attention. If I find her, with or without the pólice I am not going to say anything to you, do you hear me?! You lost your chance with her. Now, get out of my way. Scarlett will be looking for a real man and obviously it is not you! Killian whispered in a deadly tone.

"You know nothing!" I shouted at Killian angrily.

I saw fire I grabbed onto his coat and he grabbed my hands, I got out of his hold and threw a punch at his face. He returned the punch and soon we were in the floor. We rolled on the floor throwing hits at eachother.

It did not last long, soon we had pólice breaking us apart. Two held onto my arms and two holding onto Killian. I tried to break free and so did Killian.

"I guess you do want to be arrested again Mr. Pierce!" A police guy said and soon I was being pulled away into a cell.

"He started it." I heard Killian say before he was let go


I was dumped into the cell and I groaned in pain at my eye throbbing.

"Yeah, let him go!" I yelled angrily.

I held onto the bars and squeezed them till my fingers ached. No pain could match the one I had in my heart.






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