Chapter 53: Killian Carter

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Killian Carter...

He was an ass I couldn't do a project with him, could I?

" Scarlett what are you looking at? " Nathaniel asked.

I swallowed and looked down.

Killian his name went through my head again.

Such a unique name.

" To see if my father came! " I said.

Nathaniel chuckled and raised an eyebrow like if he was hiding something. This was so suspicious.

I looked back at the folders and started re-reading.

Maybe I could get interested in another one.

" Hello welcome to the CEO auction! " To my surprise Mr. Pierce announced.

" I hope all of you are enjoying cause we are now starting this event with.." Mr. Pierce took a paper out of a box and read from it.

" FAYE! " Mr.Pierce yelled.

People started to clap.

I didn't, I felt mad about something but I couldn't place my finger on what.

I held the folder and before he started I heard his folder being thrown.

I didn't even look up.. I could only look down at Killian's project.

I started to read it wasn't fantasy it was innovation! He was doing a project on something new.

I looked back to see the rest of the CEO's sitting down.

Killian was biting his lip. Was he nervous?

Where was his crutches or his sling?
I felt worried.

I couldn't imagine how painfull it must of been to shake his hand with someone else and walk. ...

I looked down again.

Why was Killian in my head?

I saw Nathaniel writing notes on the project.

So I did as well.

I could see Nathaniel was very focused on this.

After Faye's was Dickson then Jonhsons, Valentine, Westbrook, Petersons and Dabneys.

I never looked up and I stopped taking notes.. I could just remember everything they said and I found it boring, they lacked something.

" Next up is Carter! " Mr.Pierce announced.

" Good night to all of you I'm Killian Carter! " The husky, smoky and penetrating voice I heard earlier said.

It is him....He's Killian Carter..

I couldn't look up I felt wierd.. I just stared at his project..

This world was so small.

I heard him talk but then I heard everyone start talking, ignoring him.

I looked up and Nathaniel was talking to a waiter. Everyone was distracted.

I frowned.

I could now understand why I was thinking of Killian, he remembered me of me.

I looked up to him.

He explained with passion, confidence, determination and everything he needed for a good presentation.

He looked around and I saw him making fists.

He shifted his eyes everywhere to see if someone was interested.

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