Chapter 103: Nathaniel's lost chapter III

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Nathaniel's POV

I sat in the meeting room listening to my father explaining the rules of the CEO auction.

One thing that had me on the edge was Marisa, who kept giving me these creepy looks. Gold diggers... I thought.

Another thing that was having me on the edge was Nathalia, she decided I needed her company and that I hadn't meant anything I had said.

Dumb woman...

I hadn't talked to my parents about Scarlett but I knew it would happen after this. I was sure about it; Connor had informed me about Scarlett. He also brought me newspapers on my scandals.

I groaned silently... And then I felt angry.

How could Declan hit a woman?

Why did I even care?

I'm sure mom was broken hearted of Scarlett's and I's scandals ... I couldn't look at her... I'm sure she felt disappointment in Scarlett, herself and I.... She better not learn about the contract dad had us sign or else she'd be disappointed in him as well.

Scarlett. my thoughts kept going back to her and my anger and hate only grew.

After a while I heard the door open and my heart took a run when I saw Scarlett...

Why was she here? I wasn't ready to see her...

She looked around, she had a sling on, she looked pale, and she had alcohol in her hands. But if she's pregnant? Why is she drinking?

I tightened my jaw in rage.

She then turned around and looked at Nathalia and around me. I was sure she saw the news and suddenly I was happy about Nathalia being here.

I felt happiness when I noticed the hurt in her face.

You hurt me as well, you little bitch and this is payback...

I tried looking away, cause everyone was already looking at her...

I bit my cheek, I hated her... I looked at my father who looked angry...

I failed in not looking at her when I heard her speak.

" Move! " She said to Faye... Why would she want to sit next to Killian?

I was growing royally pissed.

Faye glared but did as told... Like a good dog he went to stand behind Westbrook.

Scarlett placed the bottle of alcohol on the table and sat down.

I had to dig my nails into my hand, in anger when I saw Killian whisper to her and she dared and started smoking.

I wasn't the only one getting angry I saw her father's face looking like that as well.

She was drinking, she knew how much I hated it. I was sure she was doing it on purpose.

After a bit of silence my father and the others began talking again.

I tried focusing on my father so I wouldn't drag Scarlett out of here, treat her like the gold digger she is in front of everyone. On live...Reporters were recording this important event.

I had to stay calm... I'll deal with her later...

I was lost in thoughts until I heard one of my father's friends speak.

" We will now announce the winners to this competition."

At the same time a man with a bunch of folders walked in and went straight to Scarlett.

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