Chapter 92: Kayla

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Scarlett's POV

May 4,2027
Two days went by and Oliver was kept inside the hospital.. They were checking him for any possible consequence so far they haven't found anything and I'm glad.

I jumped when I heard a slam on my desk. I looked up to see an angry Killian.

"Stop ignoring me!" Killian hissed.

I frowned. Killian only came at night time. I looked out the window to see the night...

I turned back to look at Killian gritting his teeth.

"I thought we were doing okay. I thought we were done pushing each other away!" Killian shouted frustrated.

I sighed. "I have work to do." I whispered pathetically.

"And when you have Alec with you, are you going to just keep him at home?"

"What about when he asks you why you're not with him, are you going to give him the same pathetic excuses?" Killian yelled.

That snapped my anger.

I stood up from my chair. "Hayden is different!" I snapped.

Killian grabbed his hair frustrated. Then a hurtful look crossed Killian's eyes.

I stared at Killian and his lonely house came up to my thoughts. Maybe Killian didn't want to be alone, maybe he desired a friend. Except I wasn't considered as a wanted friend, he had confirmed he felt something for me; I think I applied for more than that.

What to do?

I sighed and looked around to see no food. Did he try to invite me out?

Was that what I had missed?

Killian still had a hurtful look on his face. I shut my laptop.

"Let's go eat, foods on me. " I whispered..

"No!" Killian said angrily.

I blinked. No?

"We won't go anywhere till you let me in. Why every time we seem to be doing okay, the next day we're worse? Why do you give me the cold shoulder? I get it, I gave you time to think about us but why do you act so distant? If you're going to reject me just do it, I can take it! But stop treating like a stranger! " Killian snapped angrily.

I don't even know what I want.

" Killian calm down, it's just I have to much work. I'm tired. "I said. The last thing I want is a fight.

Killian banged his hands on my desk again.


" You have enough money to have half the world working for you but no, you perfer having all the work because that way you won't have to think about Nathaniel, right? Because you want me away. Just say it." Killian yelled.

Killian touched a spot. I looked at Killian in disbelief, was that true? Was I trying to evade thinking about Nathaniel?

No, I really had to much work.

" I. "I didn't know what to say.

I looked down at my desk. I had half of Ryan's employees working for me but I needed to fill in the rest of my board members and the rest of the employees. I couldn't keep doing this on my own, more work was coming my way. I was already dead tired.

I groaned internally.

Killian had a point, what would I do when Hayden came home? Would I be to busy with work?Would that be my excuse?

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