Chapter 67: A world crumbling down.

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Scarlett's POV


I woke up to an annoying beeping sound.

I fluttered my eyes open...I was in a bit of pain. My right arm, shoulder ached.

I blinked a few times. Adjusting to the light. Well one didn't... I had like something covering it.

I felt someone holding my hand... I turned to look at it feeling a bit of happiness thinking it was Nathaniel... But my happiness washed away when I saw Killian holding my hand...

He was asleep.

" You're awake." I turned to look at the voice...

" Santiago? " I asked surprised.

He gave me a small smile...

" How are you feeling! "

It took me as second to understand his question... All my memories rushed to me.

Nathaniel, Ghost, Killian, the police and Declan slamming me against the car.

Nathaniel and me were over. I sucked air in pain.

I had something covering my eye so I went to touch it. I remembered the pain I had felt when I was slammed.

I had an eye bandage as I started touching where my eye was at.

I tried removing it but a hand caught me.

" Don't! " Killian whispered.

" What's wrong with my eye?" I asked hysterically.

Killian sighed.

" Killian is Nathaniel or any of my friends around?" I asked when he took too long to answer me.

Killian looked away... " They... stopped by."

Nathaniel did come?

Santiago threw Killian a sad look.

My stomach dropped... Why was Santiago looking at Killian like that?

My feelings started to be all over the place.

Just then the door opened and Ana came in... Holding two cups of coffee.

Ana? Of all the people I had hoped to see... It had to be Ana.

" Oh she's finally awake!" She chirped.

I swallowed.

" How long was I asleep? " I asked and sat up... Killian helped me.

" A little bit more than 3 weeks! "

3 weeks?

Ana gave the coffee to Killian and Santiago...

She then went to sit next to me... I swallowed I didn't like her touching me.

" Have they told you?" She asked.

She started touching my hair and I didn't like it.

" Tell me what? " I asked in a small voice. I saw a creepy smile climb up her face...

" I guess they haven't! "

I turned to look at Killian and Santiago they averted their eyes from mine.

" Tell me! " I said frustrated and scared.

" You won't ever be able to race, run, or ride a car! " She said.

Killian glared at her. She was lying I had both of my legs. I could move them.

But that didn't stop the tightening in my chest.

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