Chapter 97: Truce?

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May 20th, 2027


"I am NOT teaming up with this THING!" I yelled while pointing at Nathaniel.

He had that stupid little grin in his face. My hand was twitching, it was about to land in someone's face, Nathaniel's to be more specific.

I saw Oliver scratching his forehead and throwing pleading looks towards the person in charge of confirming our identity and glaring at Nathaniel.

" Well I clearly have written right here that Scarlett, Oliver Kingsley and Nathaniel Pierce are forming a team for this year's race!" The chubby, missing one tooth, with deep brown eyes and black hair guy informed us, while staring at his clipboard.

Henry! Why didn't I take his words more consciously! I gritted my teeth.

Why Nathaniel?

Henry made me team up with this cockroach. Nathaniel wouldnt even know a motorcycle from eve!

***I really can explain how things ended this way, 5 hours earlier***

"Scarlett I've never been on a plane before!" Oliver whispered while clutching his seat.

I snapped out of my intensive and depressing thoughts and laughed at the position and face Oliver was making.

He managed to send me a nervous glare. I chuckled more.

The airplane was having a bit of turbulence.

I tried soothing Oliver the best I could and after a bit he fell asleep.

I rolled my eyes. Yeah so much for being scared.

I looked out the window. As soon as Henry had told me the news I hurried with my work and left Giovanni and Ryan in charge while I rushed towards Killian to tell him the great news. He was proud of me and he told me he would miss me. I ended apologizing for our not concluded date.


Not like that could actually take my mind off completely, I just thought about Hayden.

Then after that I tried rushing to Oliver while trying to run from the media. Yes, they actually found out and were hot on my trail. Some were even offering me money to let them talk to me, question the life out of me. It's kind of funny to let them wonder on what's going on in my life. I chuckled while remembering they have been wanting to talk to me since I raced with Oliver.

Anyway I hurried over towards Oliver and when I got home I saw him pacing around. He found out. Stupid media.

When I told him to pack up so we could leave tomorrow for New Mexico he began crying in happiness. I guess I wasn't the only one who felt like things were getting better.

And today is this day. I texted Hayden about all of this. I smiled to myself. I was bursting in happiness Hayden had answered, he answered me; can you believe it?

I kept rereading the message.

Win cause I'll be watching!!... Hayden.

I think that's how my flight went, just watching that message.

The plane had landed. We were about to go down. Oliver smiled at me and I smiled back.

If you're wondering, we are in a private airplane, provided by Henry!

We soon descended while carrying our small luggage and we headed out to a man holding the door of a car open.

"Hola, Henry sent me to take you to the field!" The man said.

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