Chapter 96: Us

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It was around 4 in the morning Killian and I were at the backseat, we sat there in silence. Our marriage had been consumed for real.


I could hear my heart in my ears.

"I told you to leave!" Killian whispered hoarsely after we both had finished. Yes, I ended agreeing to this but if it could have been in other moment I would had preferred it

I stayed in silence. So is that why he wanted me to leave?

Killian then bent down and grabbed his shirt and buttoned up. He bent down again and I heard keys...

The locks on the doors got unclicked and Killian got out. I heard him slam the door close while I stayed there frozen. I trembled.

Then I heard the driver's door open up and Killian came in, shutting the door on the way.

My mouth was dry.

Then Killian began driving away.

I was shocked at what happened. I didn't regret it but I was just astonished, Killian had taken me by surprise.

Nathaniel had always been gentle and Killia-

Stop! I hissed at myself.

My legs felt shaky. I began trying to fix my hair and my dress. The heels began feeling painful.

And I-

I began feeling sore on my lower part, more like tired.

After a while we crossed Killian's gates and he stopped the car in front of his house...

Killian kept giving me fast looks through the mirror. We both sat there in car, in front of the house without words.

I wondered what my face looked like. I saw Killian grab his face in his hands.

I felt many things, I didn't even know which one was which. But then one started rising up. Fear.

Fear of getting pregnant... I didn't want to have a child. I didn't want to be the mother. I would be an awful mother.

No. I believe something changed in my face because Killian snapped his head towards me with fear and guilt completely on his face. In an instant he was opening my door.

His face didn't show anything this time. I don't want to be pregnant.

Killian then picked me up bridal style and he managed to close the door and he hurried over to the front door.

He then put me down and while he unlocked the front door, I felt something sliding down my thigh. I looked down to see something white.

I bit my lip. I was growing embarrassed. I heard the door open and when I looked up Killian had his eyes on my leg.

I felt my face go red.

Killian looked back at me and he took me in his arms again and carried me towards my room.

He sat me on the bed and turned the light on. Killian then took something out of his pocket, I looked over at it to see a black small box. He opened it up and took something out. He grabbed my hand and I felt something sliding into my finger. Killian let my hand drop, to my lap and before I knew it he was out of my room.

I stared in shock and confusion after the closed door.

I began taking the heels off and I walked towards the bathroom.

I took a long nice hot shower. I couldn't understand why Killian had acted the way he did.

Did he feel guilty or something?

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