Chapter 74: Hayden's lost Chapter I

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Hayden's POV

25 of December, 2025..

"Alec. " Father John called out from the kitchen.

I turned around to see him near the door.

I blinked at him.

"Do you think you can sing tonight? "

I sighed.

I nodded and that made him smile.

"I heard from Cynthia that you went out today, is that true?" He asked while coming closer to me.

I blinked again... The father groaned when I didn't say anything.

"Do you think I'll get adopted this year?" I asked.

The priest pressed his lips together and I heard other kids laugh at me.

That's why I like keeping quiet, everything I say someone finds something funny in it.

I grabbed my stuff and got down the chair and start walking away.

"Alec, you will one day." Father called out.

I kept walking and ignored him.

He groaned again. But this time concerned.

"Look at the lonely boy." Someone whispered...

I kept walking, their opinions don't matter to me anymore. Their lonely as well.

I walked to my room and sat on the bed...

There's about 20 children in the orphanage and there are 11 rooms inside the house...

God was kind enough to let me have my own room.

I turned to look at the other bed. It's a lie, I want someone to tuck me in at night like mom used to do...

I missed my mom.

She always talked about dad. She left me a picture of him and her before they died. She left me her phone full of pictures and videos as well but the battery died and one of the older kids took the charger. So I couldn't see her anymore.

Before dying she told me God would be kind enough to bring a special someone to me. But years have gone by and I'm still waiting. I'm still lonely. I saw children get adopted. I saw their smiles when they got taken.

I wonder what they felt, was it happiness?

The father planned on moving after every child got a home but no one takes me, what if I had to wait till I was older? Till I turn 18.

Why didn't anyone want me?

I missed my mommy.

I grabbed her phone and I stared at it. She told me to give it to the special person I would meet one day.

I wonder if my mom knew what she was talking about. She did have cancer in her brain after all.

I licked my lips.

Maybe if I saved more food for the homeless God would finally listen to my prayers. Maybe he would help that special someone find me.

I got on my knees and I folded my hands and placed my head on them.

I was going to pray.

Please God take care of mom and dad. Please take care of the children you have let people adopt.

Please let everyone have food and a place to sleep on tonight...

I know my prayers aren't very long but they haven't exactly taught me how, I'm sorry...

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