Chapter 71: Nightmare or your conscience.

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December 25, 2026

I was about to talk to god and say sorry....

But before that happened I lifted my eyes from the ground and saw the back of a small boy giving water and food to the homeless people.

He had a small backpack. His hair was what gave me the shivers.

The crawling sound of Edward snapped my attention back to him.

I held my breath in when he came closer to me.

I started trembling... Fear and coldness climbed up to the last hair on my head...

I should start running like I always do but I couldn't bring myself to do so...

I swallowed.

He crawled closer and closer till Edward was close to my face.

Nose to nose.

I could barely breath. I was too scared to even blink.

" You've been running from me! " He whispered.

I swallowed and shivered.

"Just tell me what you want and go away. " I whispered.

He stared deeply into my eyes.




I blushed a little. " I told you I loved racing, but you always thought I was joking... "

He grimaced.

" I actually did but after today, after I saw you with that look and your skills; I have no doubt you were born for this." Edward looked proud of me.

I smiled at him. I could see his face we had no helmets on.

"I got to say, I'm still worried that you might keep meeting guys like that Adrian guy. " Edward whispered.

I sighed. " I know you're worried but trust me, like dad trusts you with the company. " I pointed out.

Edward chuckled. " I do trust you Scar, I do. You're amazing and if you weren't my lil sis I would totally bang you! " Edward said in a joke or I thought it was a joke. I felt awkward but laughed anyway. He was just trying to make me laugh and make sure I followed my dreams.

I smiled widely at him. " Race you back to the car, mister bang girl!! Did you use protection on Candice, huh? " I asked. Before he could even answer I started to go back in a full speed, but I still saw his shocked face and that sent me to fits of laughter. I soon had Edward behind me. He was laughing awkwardly, and he seemed, to have turned red. I was glad I wasn't the only one embarrassed.

" Wait Scarlett, I still got to tell you something. " Edward screamed.

I slowed down until he was next to me, but he seemed to go faster. Cheater, I thought.

I kept up with his pace. " What's up?" I asked in a grin.

I couldn't understand his face he seemed to be distracted.

He turned to look at me. " Uh yeah, well dad signed...... over.... and I.... to let you.... know-"

" What?" I screamed... I couldn't hear him, he was going even faster, and the wind and noise made it impossible to listen to him.

" Scarlett what I mean is that if something happens to me you're the owner o-" Edward shouted. But I interrupted him.

" Hey!! Why don't you slow down Edward, you're going too fast and I can't hear you well? It's also dangerous, we don't have a helmet on!" I screamed in panic.

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