Chapter 128: Liberty

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Scarlett's POV

I let out a huge sound of relief when Nathaniel let me know about my brother, Hayden and him being alright. When I woke up I went hysterical. I decided not to call Nathaniel in case he was a in a tight situation.

Once I received his call, life came back. I couldn't help and feel cheers thinking my brother was okay. A few tears dropped. I wanted to hug him so badly to see those eyes and hear him tease me.

Just a bit more till I could go run to hug him. I placed my hand on my small bump.

"You have an uncle and a granny!" I whispered to the child and my lip shivered.

I rang my dad.

"Dad?" I asked when I heard a pick up sound.

"Scarlett what's going on?" He sounded alarmed.

"We got Edward. Nathaniel and Hayden are on there way." I whispered. My father let out an air of happiness.

"I'll let Giovanni know."

"Scarlett what do you mean they are on there way and you?" My father asked.

I swallowed. "I have a few issues with the police but you'll see once I get there!" I whispered. My father didn't sound convinced.

"How are things with Ana?" I whispered.

"She's about to find out. I'm sending the divorce papers now and she should be receiving a notification!" My father whispered.

"I'm also going to talk to Marisa that monster does not deserve to have the money you promised you wouldn't touch." My father said angrily.

I didn't say anything I could never agree more.

We finished our call and I laid in bed. Finally...

After a few hours I heard a knock on the door and I was surprised to find the nurse and behind her stood Edgar. He shot me a huge smile.

"I can't believe your brother-" My eyes watered and he hugged me his own tears falling.

"Nathaniel asked me to be in that airplane he begged me to come and take care of you!" Edgar whispered and I nodded.

Emily stood there awkwardly.

"I brought him and this!" She held the keys up.

"Edgar did you bring a car?" I asked.

Edgar nodded. I looked back at Emily. "The car is yours!" I informed Emily and her eyes turned huge.


I smiled and nodded. "I could never pay you enough for what you did. I will forever be greatful!" I whispered. Emily gasped and looked at the car keys in desbelief.

I had my brother back and my mom soon. My eyes watered again. I wanted time to quicken.
December 21rst, 2027
Early in the morning detective Jones was outside of my room.

I opened up and he held a peace of paper up and my hand went towards my mouth.

"Let's arrest who we have to and get your mom out so you can take her home!" Edgar's face morphed into shock.

"Mom?" He repeated and I nodded. His features whitened.


We stood in front of the lady once again. This time with the order and her face was white.

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