Chapter 82: The user of the device.

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I stared into darkness. A Blackout.

"It's been exactly 26 years since I was last turned on." A feminine, robotic voice said.

I looked down to where the box had fell and a hologram was out of it, a baby hologram. Probably a newborn.

I had no words I was utterly shocked.

I had my mouth hanging open. I was petrified.

" I see my owner has grown!" The feminine voice said.

My eye twitched in fear.

"What?" Soon a light was shot at me. It went to my feet and up to my head. It had scanned me and I retreated in fear. The hologram took my form.

"What are you? What did you do? You took my form" I said hysterically.

"People refer to me as device, I'm waiting for you to name me and I just scanned you!"

"Name you?" I asked in shock.

"Why would I name you?" I asked nervously.

"You are my owner!"

My eyes popped wide. Owner? Device?

"Owner? What are you talking about?"

"Only a Carter or a Monroe can use me whether because they go by blood or name. Considering you are a bloodied Monroe and you married a Carter that makes you both, you are my owner. Tell me what is my name?"

Only a Carter or Monroe? "How do you know I'm both?" I asked shocked.

"I am an intelligent device I'm made to know everything." She spoke.

My hands went to my mouth

The device! This was the device.

"You're the famous device." I whispered.

"But how is it possible for me to be your owner?" I asked.

"You touched me first. I drew blood from you, to run a test like now, to confirm your identity. I took the form of the baby you were but now I have taken your most recent form. "

"It's been exactly 26 years since I was last turned on."

How? I must have been a three-month year old baby. It's not possible. There had to be a mistake.


" When the device was stolen my grandfather had no option than to do a meeting with the rest of the CEO's, the ones who were at the auction. Your father was there by then. My grandfather explained to them but they didn't believe him. "

" Until the device was used! " I whispered.

Killian nodded.

" After probably three months of it being stolen it was used. " Killian said.

End of the flashback

Three months. It was used three months after it was stolen.

I don't know how but I was the user of the device.

" Tell me Scarlett what is my name? "She asked again.

I started shaking." Queen. "I blurted out.

" Thank you for naming me!"

" What do you want me to do for you? Queen asked.

" I'm sorry I'm overwhelmed." I said while memories drowned me.

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