Chapter 107: Letting dreams go.

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I stared at the door after Killian had left.

"Scarlett?" Giovanni asked with concern.

I managed to control everything inside me. Locking feelings but this time it was easier than other times.

I turned around to face Edgar and Giovanni.

"Are you okay? Can I do anything for you?" Giovanni asked with a huge concern.

I gave him a small smile.

I shook my head. "You've done enough!" I whispered.

Giovanni gave me a sad smile.

Soon I heard a whistle from Edgar.

"Never found out how she does it!" Edgar said.

Giovanni gave him a curious look and I raised an eyebrow.

"You know be brave and look like no emotions go through you!" Edgar said softly.

Do I do that?

"I got more important matters I guess!" I said unsurely.

"Is that what you always think when you're going through tough situations?" Edgar asked.

I stared at the floor and Edgar immediately spoke again.

"I'm sorry, I guess I never saw you cry and I'm surprised. During the years I had your back you were always quiet and out casting yourself from everything and everyon-"

Something in my eyes made Edgar stop talking and I was greatful he had known me before, that way I wouldn't have trouble placing rules.

I licked my lips. Seeing Edgar reminded me of my earlier years.

"Edgar the reason I contracted you is not because I think you know me from years and we can be friends!" I whispered.

I looked at Edgar in the eye and he turned serious.

By Giovanni's expression I could tell he had thought that.

"Giovanni can you get Oliver for me?" I asked before any questions were asked by him. Giovanni nodded understanding that I wanted to speak with Edgar alone and he left.

Giovanni left as fast as possible.

"Edgar the reason I'm contacting to work for me is because I know how you work, I know how loyal you were to father and I want that. I like how you made it hard for me to outrun you and you had great tuition for danger! I'm contracting you because I need you to create huge barriers around me when the time comes."

I went to sit down next to my gears and helmet and placed the bag on my side.
Edgar looked at me understanding every word I said.

" I only have one question can I trust you? I know you worked for my father but I always saw you be so loyal to him and I'm not going to lie to you I'm scared you'll go running to him and tell him everything that is going on."

Edgar stood quiet.

"I will be loyal, I stopped working for your father once you got married!"

I could see Edgar hesitate. I frowned.

"Why does it look like you're doubting something?" I asked.

Edgar stared at me.

"Don't get me wrong, once Giovanni contacted me and informed about the payment I would receive I was overjoyed. However, I can't help but wonder why after all the times you would try to escape me and lock me, it's you whose now looking for me..." Edgar pointed out.

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