Chapter 131: Be Strong For Your Child!

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Edward's POV
I stared into two green eyes and before I could react others began taking her away.

I felt something in my hand and I found a bloodied hand. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light of the hospital outside was nighttime. I held on tightly to the cold hand and followed the owner.

There was like a buzz in my head but then all the noises began coming clearer.

"Recharge now!"

"We're losing her."

"I'm not losing her!"

"Sir this is the last time, get out!"

I followed my gaze and found a guy with a worned out face and blue eyes. His eyes fell on me and his face provided surprise but in an instant it was gone when he looked next to me.

Nathaniel? Pierce!?

I looked at the cold hand again and looked back. Then flashes of things started coming. The accident, the doctor, the phys-

Not long I was being rolled away and for some reason I couldn't let go of the hand I was holding on.

Then the memory of those green eyes came back and a panic hurried in my chest. Those green eyes were unforgettable.


"No let go of me!" I yelled when they kept asking questions and pushing me down on the bed.


Nathaniel's POV
They sent me to the waiting room again. Police guarding it. Edward Monroe had woken up.

David was with him and trying to maintain the calm with his daughter dying.

Thomas had ran in with a new donor, organ. It seems while I was to lost in Scarlett. Everyone had been looking for donor and alot of people had been to willing. I sat in the waiting room with tears and in a praying manner. I didn't know what I would do without her.

I was going to have a child, with her.

Three hours had gone by and my heart was is in uneasiness.

Suddenly the door that lead the way to the hospital rooms opened up harshly and out came an aura of superiority and anger.

David Monroe and next to him Edward Monroe. Everyone stood up and a few gasped. A nurse was trying to take him back but Edward waved him off. The nurse ended accepting and left.

"Edward!" Giovanni said in surprise. Edward looked at him and Giovanni immediately wrapped his arms around him. People began hugging him. Edward looked weak, he was grabbing onto his father in a hospital gown but you couldn't deny his strong aura.

Hayden had been next to me and he was frozen. Edward began looking around and his eyes landed on mine and then his eyes wondered next to me.

Hayden's POV

I was frozen. My ears felt red and my heart was beating loudly. Dad.

Suddenly I looked up to see him in front of me.

"Son!" I heard a whisper and my whole world stopped moving.

Nathaniel's POV
Edward sat down next to me while holding onto his new found son. I'm not sure how much David told him but I didn't feel very comfortable. However, that washed away when the uneasiness for Scarlett grew.

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