Chapter 50:Story of King of the City.

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I opened my mouth a bit. That name sent pain to my heart.

I was aching to ask what this was about but I couldn't risk it and blow up who I was.

I waited for him to continue.

" Analise " He whispered.

I saw Oliver look into thin air.

He kept on smoking.

" Analise was the daughter of the best street racer of all times, she was the daughter of King of the city." Oliver said while smoking.

I swallowed softly.

King of the City?

" And that King came from nothing, from the streets, eating food once a week and dressing with old rags! " Oliver whispered.

I moved uncomfortable but listened with curiosity.

Oliver took another cigarette out.

" That so called King was the son of a gang leader..." Oliver exhaled smoke.

" His mother didn't know about the father being part of a gang but when she did, she ran from him while carrying his child."

" The gang leader, was looking everywhere for her, he knew she was pregnant, he knew she was carrying his heir. The girl had no option than to hide and as soon as she had her child, she left him on the doorstep of an orphanage; for she knew he wasn't save with her..."

Oliver took another cigarette out.

He paused and exhaled smoke.

"The boy grew up in that orphanage and his mother would visit him, she would do it once a month. She couldn't let the father's boy find him, she was terrified of what fate the boy would have if his father found him."

"For 12 years things were going great, the boy understood and was always a good boy."

Oliver swallowed.

" Until the gang leader had finally found the girl"

Oliver exhaled smoke.

"... She had gone into prostitution.. He began spying on her.... He thought she had aborted his child and was ready to kill her until one day he saw her visiting the boy. "

" 25th of December the boy's mom had a bullet right in her head, she was well as seven nuns, a priest and some children. The boy saw it." Oliver said with heavy emotion.

25th of December... I swallowed... I was starting to believe that day was a curse for me.

" With fear, the boy was roughly taken." Oliver said and made a huge pause that was killing me.

" At age of twelve he was taken and after turning thirteen he was raised in between drugs and bullets.. His father was forming him to become the next leader."

"As the next leader the boy had been forced to do many things, at his young age he was forced to become a man. " Oliver frowned.

" By the age of fourteen he had become a full man and lost all innocence.. He was mad at the world. The world had killed his heart, his father had killed it....He became evil in flesh and blood."

" That stopped when he got a woman pregnant.."

Oliver gave a dark laugh.

" Imagine a bearly fourteen year old having an nineteen year old pregnant! "

I looked at Oliver in horror...

" The boy's father had been happy about his doings with the boy... He was happy about burning, kicking, shooting and abusing him."

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