Chapter 138: Brother and Sister

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Scarlett's POV
The boss guy was right...

I'm unsure of how he calculated this type of entrance. I mean the timing... but as I stood there holding Thing, next to Autumn while we all focused on Hayden I grew nervous.

The man up front gave me wide eyes and he seemed to turn pale.

I found him familiar.

Terrick Valrec...

I tensed.

Everyone had turned silent. I could feel a tight atmosphere.

Hayden stood up and managed to cross towards me. However, a few police went after him. He reached me.

"No you're not suppose to be here. It's to much for you. You're not ready!" He whispered and caressed my cheek with his cuffed hands. I stared into his eyes, he was looking anxious. Little by little I began feeling watched.

"What mother would leave her son?" I whispered.

Hayden swallowed...

"I'm not your son. I'm your nephew."

Hayden looked down.

"I know I heard you when I was waking up Hayden but that won't change anything you're my son!"

Hayden looked caught of guard and then he showed adoration. Autumn tensed. I began feeling my heart speeding up.

I saw the policemen go for Hayden and so I did him aside and pulled him behind me with one hand while the other held Thing. I glared at the two police guys and they stepped back looking afraid.

No one! Absolutely no one touches my sons!

By now a few people had stood up.

Nathaniel's POV
Hayden had walked next to me and I was frozen. I felt my heart loud and clear. I heard her, right?

I was shocked. I had this feeling of dread that what I heard had been my imagination. I felt like time was going really slow.

I stood up and with wide eyes turned towards that voice that I had longed for so long.

Edward and everyone seem to mirror my actions. I couldn't see her since Hayden stood in front but soon two police guys went after Hayden. Hayden was made aside and that's when my heart dropped.

I found the face of an angel who was glaring at the two police guys. I felt a wave of shock, awe and instant life.

I felt every part of me coming to life.


She stood there with a two piece white dress, her hair blonde and curly reaching almost her thighs. An angel...

Her arm was across Hayden protecting him and on her left hand was another thing I had longed and hoped to see again.

My son.

I had the urge to cry and jump towards them but my brain seem to have forgotten how to command me how to move.

The image of the woman I loved and my son together was being carved deeply into me. Like I had imagined and dreamt of.

Everyone was in trance. I found myself out of the slow motion in time and stepped towards her. My movement caused her to looked towards me and my breath was taken away once again.

Green beautiful eyes.
Scarlett's POV

I was ready to attack anyone who would try and take Hayden from me but a sudden movement grabbed my attention and I managed to stare into piercing blue eyes.

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