Chapter 130: Present

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Present time:
This is my story.

This is how I ended here...

Everything turns into chaos, right?

I shivered. I opened my eyes while holding onto the steering wheel.

I let the phone drop and I held my womb. The child I had began to love and I was now unsure of meeting.

I was freezing and it didn't help I was losing blood, it didn't help it was cold and snowing.

The car squeaked horribly I looked below me and saw water. Just by watching it I trembled.

I had to move away from the railing, I thought. My eyes were closing. Stay awake. Stay awake.

With the small energy I had I tried going to the passengers seat so if the car fell I wouldn't be stabbed by the railing again. However, I was being pushed down by gravity and I was in huge pain. As I was trying to cross I was being squeezed against the heating and radio controls of the car. My leg ached and I held my womb to protect it as much as possible. I was breathing quickly and I saw small white clouds coming out of my mouth due to the coldness.

Every movement I made, the car moved awfully and pain left me without breath. I could hear people yelling and chaos. I also heard helicopters and others yelling instructions.

I held on tightly trying my best to protect my womb. I just prayed to God everything would be alright. I managed to hear something breaking, I was dead scared I wanted someone to hold my hand to tell me everything was going to be okay but I had to face reality. Tears slipped down my face. Something broke, I heard and I felt the drop in my stomach. I closed my eyes tightly.

Escape anywhere, my brain whispered.

I felt my self dangle in the air and then bob me to the front with extreme force. My head hit the front while my hands and arms received the pain, anything to protect my baby.

I felt cold water begin entering the car through the broken windows. I felt cold and I was freezing immediately.

Everything throbbed, I begin losing conscious.

I felt my lungs burn.

Killian's POV
"Don't go to the party!" Kayla had begged and instead I had taken her to bed.

I watched her sleeping naked, soundly in bed while my baby was sleeping as well in her room. I did love Kayla but she had changed... Her fire had been placed out. She was now trying to do as my well. You now how irritating that is?

I swallowed the rest of the liquor I was drinking. I went out of the room and to the living room. I couldn't believe everything that had occurred. I was a coward that was for sure. I couldn't help and feel regret and sense of loss for Scarlett.

I swallowed and sat down on the couch. I could never forget a woman like her. I rubbed my head in frustration thinking over what I had done to the one person who had been my support and had only helped me heal.

I did love Scarlett and I did love Kayla. I loved them a different way.

Scarlett was feisty, noble, heart kinded she placed and thought of others before her, she was always determined and never seemed to break. I admired her. I loved her for everything she was.

Kayla was, she was- the mother of my child. Kayla had once been a rebel, always fighting me of and never letting me think of anything else but after she confessed about the child she had gone submissive. Scarlett deserved better...

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