Chapter 25: New Home.

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"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Nathaniel asked between gritted teeth.

I was still sleepy, and it took me a while to understand what he meant. I blinked a few times and the pressure in his hands increased sending me to react on pain.

" Can you let go of me?" I hissed in pain.

Nathaniel's eyes...I swear they went black.

He did let go but picked me up bridal style.

"Hey what are you doing? Let me down!" I yelled. The driver to the limousine opened the door and he was looking pale.

I started to freak out. " Let me go!" I said while trying to squirm out.

He leaned on the door and threw me into the seat.

I went to the corner of the seat feeling scared, Nathaniel got in and slammed the door. I couldn't see the driver because there was something dividing the driver from the passengers. I looked around and all my stuff was here my suitcases, boxes even posters that had been taped to the wall. I turned to give Nathaniel a confused look, but he was still looking angry.

" What is my stuff doing here?" I asked shocked.

He looked away.

" Hey answer me! "

He kept ignoring me so that made me angry. I pulled his neck tie over to me.

" Nathaniel you had no right to get my stuff, now answer me! Why are they here? " I asked angrily.

Nathaniel let out a breath in anger.

He grabbed my wrists and squeezed them. I flinched in pain and tried to get out of his hold.

" I am your husband, you signed a contract... So now I have every right over you.... Do you hear that? Everything you own is mine cause I own you!!" He said.

He let go and pushed me down into the seat.

" I answered you now tell me, where were you?" He hissed.

" I don't have to tell you anything you don't own me. I'm a person not a thing." I yelled.

" TELL ME WHERE WERE YOU? I WON'T ASK AGAIN SCARLETT! " My heart started thumping hard what if he hit me like Ana used to do...

I swallowed.

" I had the driver drive around. Then I went to the small house you found me at and then I fell asleep." I whispered in fear.

He came closer to me and gripped my arms.

" Do you really think I will believe that shit?" He glared.

" I'm telling the truth." I whispered. I was shivering.

" I know what you said about the driver was true but about falling asleep I don't believe it so much."

I felt the grip in my arms tighten.

" It's not my fault then." I said.

" Tell me now!!!!"

" What do you want me to say? I don't understand. " I whispered again.

" Where did you meet him?" Nathaniel asked in a cold tone.

I frowned.

" I didn't meet anyone I swear, after the taxi I went to sleep on the porch." I squeaked.

Nathaniel let go and looked at me.

" Are you sure you didn't let him touch you, again?"

" What are you talking about? I drove around the taxi almost two hours and I fell asleep a few minutes. " I said feeling astonished.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon