Chapter 64: Hospital breakdown.

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I felt horrible...

I felt myself going pale.

Nathaniel couldn't have been in an accident. He couldn't.

He said he be home today!

"Mam you should sit down!" Declan said worried.

" Where's Nathaniel? " I asked.

" He was rushed to the hospital." Declan informed.

"New York-Presbyterian hospital. " Declan corrected. He obviously knew what I meant.

I swallowed I felt like I would pass out any moment but I needed to get to Nathaniel.

I felt an invisible injury start forming inside my chest. My emotions jagged.

I slammed the door on Declan's face, ran to get the keys and I ran to the garage.

Nathaniel my brain and heart screamed.

I opened the car and I started speeding to the hospital.

I sobbed in the car. I couldn't lose Nathaniel I couldn't. What would I do without him?

I sucked breath in and tried my hardest to not cry.

The ride had my nerves hanging on the last line of my patience...

I parked where ever I could and I ran inside the hospital. I pushed a few people away until I found Nathaniel's parents sitting on a couch. Waiting room.

They stood up when they saw me.

I rushed over to them with a mortified face. Who was I kidding it felt horrible to know your husband was in the hospital. I kept my tears, trying to be brave, it hurt.. My chest ached.

Lydia hugged me and we both started sobbing.

" Have they said anything? " I asked.

Mr. Pierce shook his head. "He was rushed and doctors attended to him as fast as they could.

Mr. Pierce had red eyes.

"I don't even know what happened? "

" I was cooking... Waiting for him." I cried.

Lydia swallowed and cried even more.

" He was ran over... " Lydia sobbed.

Mr. Pierce hugged us.

" Ran over. " Lydia said and cried again.

We cried till our eyes were puffy... Till tears wouldn't come out anymore.

We took a seat and I hugged Lydia. I needed a hug where ever I could get it.

Mr. Pierce went to get a coffee after waiting for hours.

We waited and waited.

Every time I saw a doctor my nerves increased.

I grabbed my hair in frustration.

How did Nathaniel get ran over?


I started sweating in worry. My stomach churned feeling the acids trying to come out.

Mr. Pierce gave us coffee.

We waited and waited.

I even paced around the waiting room.

The Pierce's held worry and fear in their faces.

I couldn't imagine what it felt like to know your child got ran over. Not to mention their only son.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Where stories live. Discover now