Chapter 7: My Degree in your Face

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4 years later.


I gritted my teeth another damn graduation alone.

My father had forced me to do a major in business and he hadn't had the least decency to show up.

I was so pissed off... A major in business hadn't been so bad. I actually got to like it, but I was too stubborn to admit it. My thing was always going to be bike riding I didn't just like it... I loved it....

The taxi parked in front of the airport he helped me get my suitcase out, once I paid him I walked over to the airport with my plane ticket in my hand... New York here I go, again.

The good thing about my career was that I left Ana, Marisa and my father. I never left home for holidays, so I would call these last 4 years heaven. Except for the fact that I was always watched a bodyguard on my back to be exact, so no boyfriends, not even my first kiss no ridding. not even a single party. Nothing.

I sighed. Screw love life who needed it anyway?

I boarded the airplane. I looked out the window and then I looked down at my phone it was a miracle I still had my phone. I may be a billionaire's daughter, but my father preferred my sister who was actually 3 years older than me and she was everything my father wanted. Since she was his favorite you might know where all the money went to...

Yeah her, Marisa.

I had read some articles on her, she was pretty, always in the arm of a good looking rich guy. Slut... Slut...Slut... I knew I should hate her, but I actually pitied her, she didn't show a bit of dignity.

You're a chaos my brain shouted. I smiled a bit, yeah, I shouldn't judge her. I wasn't perfect... Well these four years I have. I stayed away from trouble and all, but if that bodyguard wouldn't have been on my back I would've set the school on fire.

Well I did drink on a certain time, I paid someone and they would sneak it into my room.

I'm not perfect but at least I'm not a gold digger... With that thought I felt better and I fell asleep.

Err... I actually didn't fall asleep I looked out the window, looking at the night.

I wondered what my brother would've said to me now. I never did forget him, I carried him in my heart.

After I lost him I kept having nightmares. I wished he were here.... but he wasn't, and it was my fault. I blinked real fast to make my tears go away.

I thought of Oliver. I didn't get the chance to say bye, my father had bought me a plane ticket the day after I graduated. I hoped Oliver would take me back. I had lost contact with everyone.

I wondered about Thomas as well and all of them. Had they accomplished their dreams?

I bit my lip.

I was getting anxious, I wanted so bad to race my body was begging for it.


"Miss wake up. " A lady said. I felt her shake me.

" Miss your plane just landed in New York. " She said in a soft voice.

At the mention of that I smiled and got up to get off the airplane.

I pulled the suitcase with me, I got even more pissed, my father could at least send a ride, right?

Just breathe, I said to myself.

I called in a taxi, I was thinking about going home to sleep a bit, but I was anxious to see my father "Take me to Monroe's corporations. " I ordered.

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