Chapter 119: Trail two and three

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July 5th, 2027
I didn't sleep but could only hold on to the memory card. We were here in court once again. I still held the memory card to myself. I couldn't concentrate at all. I only heard my father's version over and over again.

Ana was standing and I still sat there like a lifeless body. I didn't know what to do and neither had Oliver. If I'm not wrong Oliver was also here looking into thin air.

I came back to the world when I saw Ana sniffing. She sat down.

"The defendant."

I spoke but it sounded robotic and I had a hard time connecting with my feelings.

"There's a confession a confession I have to make!" Ana informed. She sniffed.

"I did abuse Scarlett." She sent me a look of I'm going to destroy you.

Ana fakily cried but everyone else didn't seem to notice it.

"I did I was so angry at her father for cheating at me and then -"

Ana cried.

"What happen?" Ana's lawyer asked.

"She killed my son!"

Right there that second I drowned further into water. I felt cold water dump on me.

HOW would I face Hayden? I dread turning around to see his face.

The court turned into silence and soon talking began all around the court.

"What do you mean she killed him?" Louis asked.

"She went street racing with him if he hadn't gone out with her -" Ana cried.

Ana tried to control herself. I trembled.

"I understand what I did but I would never touch the son of my son. Please take this into consideration, Scarlett is insane!"

"What do you mean by insane?" Louis asked.

"She would go crazy and hallucinate about her brother whenever his death anniversary would come up!"

She noticed was my only thought. I heard talking behind me and I felt my hands shaking worse. I had to hide them.

"That's my reason why I don't think she's suitable to be taking care of my grandson she's not mentally stable and then she was a street racer hanging out with gangs-" Ana let out a huge sob and I could tell the court was falling for it.

I swallowed.

Giovanni did a few questions but I kept going off. I couldn't concentrate and the seen of my brother dying and then my mother kept playing over and over.

How would Hayden see me now?

" Your honor I would like Marisa Monroe to take a stand!"

I focused and was surprised to see Marisa coming from the crowd in the back and Ana was evilly smiling and shot me a war look.

Marisa placed her hand on the bible.

"Marisa can you tell us how you meet Candice?"

Marisa nodded.

"Candice came to me with my nephew in her hand and my mother was with me."

"She explained she was dying of cancer and wanted us to recognize the child, my mother convinced me she was lying so I signed."

Marisa swallowed. Ana didn't seem to like what Marisa had said.

"Do you think your mother could have been having a hard time with your brother's death to act like that?" Loius asked.

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