Chapter 123: Jail visit

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I watched the detectives and a few policemen come as well as some other people were in Oliver's garage.

"I'm going to make sure this case is quickened." A man began walking towards us.

"Allan!" I blurted out in surprise.

"The one and only." Allan shook my hand.

Allan provided instructions to everyone in here and wanted everything taken to perfection.

Allan turned towards me. "I owe you one, remember? This is how I'm going to settle it down with you by pressing this case to be listed on top."

I sighed and thanked Allan.

Giovanni and him began talking and the paper that was still on my hand felt like it was burning me. I was still in shock.

At some point everyone began leaving and Allan stood in front of me and sighed.

He pointed to the paper in my hand.

"That's the last peace we need." Allan whispered.

I nodded. Giovanni had already taken pictures of the documents just in case...

Allan grabbed gloves and I handed the paper...

He placed the paper inside a bag and after a few words he left. I was grateful, he had also testified and because of it and my mental unstableness I was reduced to house arrest.
And now a murder that had been meant to be for me was going to be solved.

"I can't believe this." I whispered after they left.

Giovanni stood by my side in silence.

He took me by the shoulders.

"It was not your fault and it's time you let go. Yes, he went out with you but is was his decision."

"He took my place!" I said with watered eyes...

"And I'm sure he would do it over and over even if he knew he was going to die."

I had the huge urge to cry once again.

Giovanni took me home and he left.

Dad took me in his arms once again and so did Hayden. I told my dad everything from Marisa to finally finding my brother's killer.

I apologized to Hayden because I still considered at fault. However, beneath me I felt peace in my heart.

With each tear that fell all the torture and pain I had been through all this years was falling of my shoulders.
I was finally breathing. Not like if my brother was here but at the end I was breathing. My heart was finally healing but so was my head.

September 28th, 2027
"So now you feel angry? " My therapist asked.

I nodded and she wrote it down.

"I had the MURDER in a piece of paper sitting in the garage if she hadn't done that my brother would be here. His son wouldn't have been inside an orphanage."

I sighed and the therapist gave me a small smile.

"Scarlett I understand your point but you were under trauma and stress. Everything related to your brother you were surpressing it consciously. That's were your hallucinations started coming of from, your conscience and unconscious were fighting. Somehow your unconscious was trying to tell you important things and it hurt you so much to see that, that you surpressed it. A clear example was the day of the fire. Your own brain caused you to hallucinate with three different people, the man that told you to follow the child, the child and your brother. Your own unconscious fought for survival. The times you've let your unconscious let you tell you it's secrets I believe you've been able to sleep, is that right? "

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