Chapter 95: Consumed marriage

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I couldn't do this..

"I'm much better at offering them something!" I answered and stepped aside and tried to walk away and I did manage to take a few steps before I was pulled back...

"Let go!" I hissed and pulled my arm from Nathaniel.

"You took the bank from me!" Nathaniel hissed.

I raised an eyebrow.

"You took something from me as well!" I reminded.

"Your virginity?" Nathaniel asked.
Without thinking about it I slapped Nathaniel with everything I had.
Nathaniel touched his cheek and looked at my hand before smirking at me.

My hand tingled. "Oh now I'm getting slapped for saying the truth!" Nathaniel pointed it out.

I squeezed my hand tightly in anger.

"The only truth is I regret everything I ever had with you!" I said through gritted teeth.

"No, you don't! You gotta admit we had great sex not to mention I've been told I'm great in bed!"

My blood boiled.

"You're a man whore after all ,what did you expect?" I stated trying to control my anger.

"So what? I'm not the only one!" Nathaniel pointed out.

I can't do this. I can't talk to him.

"Was that what you were going to say to me the day you tried to talk to me?" I asked. I was trying to control my voice.

"Should it matter we're enemies now, remember?" Nathaniel said boredly.

"I remember it!" I affirmed.

Nathaniel and I remained in silence.

"How's Killian in bed, is he better than me?" Nathaniel asked, jealousy thick in his voice..
I rolled my eyes.

Nope. Talking to Nathaniel would be impossible.

"What my husband and I do is none of your business!" I snapped and walked away. Nathaniel stopped me again.

"Your husband?" Nathaniel asked angrily.

Nathaniel held my hand up. "Then where's your ring?" Nathaniel hissed.

My ring.

"You're not married!" Nathaniel snapped and let my hand drop.

"You haven't even had sex with him, have you?" Nathaniel asked.

I turned to look at Killian but he wasn't there. I swallowed. Should I lie?

"You haven't." Nathaniel whispered astonished.

I looked back at him. I was lost, no words made it through my lips.

"You still feel something for me, don't you? Is that why you haven't let him touch you?" Nathaniel asked searching my eyes.

No I don't. Do I?
My emotions became chaos inside me...
I felt panic seeping up through me.

"Being with him has been revenge, hasn't it?" Nathaniel asked.

I groaned. "Stop playing stupid sceneries in your head Nathaniel."

"You and me are over. What I do or don't do with Killian is not your business!" I said coldly.

Nathaniel's jaw tightened. "We are not over! Nothings over."

"Yes we are and you made it more than clear, the day you cheated on me!" I snapped.

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