Chapter 70: A year later.

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I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing, just praying to a God I don't believe in...

-The script.

January 25, 2026

God... My body has began to heal, when will my heart?

February 25, 2026

God my name is Scarlett and I feel so lonely and lost.

March 25, 2026

God why do you hate so much? Please have mercy on me and just take me.

April 25, 2026

God please... Please just take me, each day I feel something dying inside me. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you I know you're busy helping other people but when you get some time please get to me. Please...

May 25, 2026

God please... I'm sorry if I ever did something to you but please I'm begging you love me even a little bit..

At least let me cry. My chest just keeps tightening.

Well the truth is I'm too scared to even cry cause I know nobody will be there for me...

I hope you do love me... and send me at least a dog so he can wag his tail at me.

June 25, 2026

God I want to thank you for the kind people that come and gives us some food and water.

Also a priest visited me. Well not just me...he visited everyone sitting around here. He gave a bible to everyone, even to me. I thought I would burn but I'm glad it didn't happen. He reminded us about your love.

There's moments I hate you...

Actually I'm a little bit mad at you right now.

July 25, 2026

God I keep wondering what my life would have been if I had never done street racing.

Are you mad at me as well?

Did I disappoint you?

I'm sorry...

I couldn't help but to think of Nathaniel today. Will I think about him every day...? I still feel hurt.

I feel kind of lonely... Do you think you could come down and give me a hug? I think I need one.

Please tell mom I love her and that I'm sorry for hating her in the past.

Tell Edward I love him as well. I hope he isn't as clumsy as he used to be...

Oh and I tried reading the bible...

August 25, 2026

God I actually read a few chapters of your book.

I think you are mad cause I never worshipped you.

God I hope someone at least misses me.

Oh father I'm quite sad, the man next to me left and in his place a prostitute sat down, she was about 18. She was crying. I talked to her about you and I showed her a story about a prostitute...

She cried even more...after a few days a guy came to her and offered her to keep working. He even offered me a job as a prostitute so I gifted him the bible the priest gave me.

Sorry, I thought he needed it more than me... Can you gift me another one?

Diana, the girl who told me her story. She had a fight with her parents and left her home.

I told her she at least had parents and after a few days she left... I lost my talking partner.

Take care of her.

September 25, 2026

God Diana came back she looked happier. She told me her parents and her got together.

She also asked me what I wanted so I could get up and leave this place.

I didn't really know how to answer so I told her I wanted something to change in me.

She ended up dying my hair to black... I don't think she understood or maybe I didn't explain.

And maybe that's why you haven't picked me up from here. Just change something in my heart give me something to fight for and I'll stand.

I wish I had a mirror to see the new color of my hair. I thought Edward would come and actually shave my hair off but that didn't happen.

Oh and god please hurry up in what I begged of you. Please.

Oh and god you have no idea of the things I had to do when I got my period. Well maybe you do but if I admit it, it well be kind of creepy.

November 25, 2026

God I feel sick.

God I don't feel too well.

December 24, 2026

God I'm fearing tomorrow I keep seeing Edward across from me.

I'm so scared and frozen at the same time.

God I'm on the ground like the priest said. Please just give me anything...

Give me death...anything...if I don't have anything at least let me die.

Why are you keeping me alive?


I hate you so much...

I hate you...

Just tell me what you want from me?

What have I been oblivious to?

What can I possibly find here in this street?

What am I not looking at?

Is it that you don't exist?

Well then I have completely lost it...

I'm insane....

How can I hate someone who doesn't exist?

Sorry I guess you're the representation of all the people I've been holding a grudge against...

God I think I asked to much of you.

You could never pick me up from here.....

But if you can. Please do and I'll promise to help all the homeless here.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Where stories live. Discover now