Chapter 121: Edward's Letter contains truth 4

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Scarlett's POV
"You really just wanted to ask me if Hayden's cousin and him can meet?" I questioned with humor.

"You have his custody!"

My father groaned.
I grew pissed my father called me for that. Right now I was walking inside the meeting room. I saw every CEO in here. Including Killian Carter and Nathaniel Pierce. I had to get used to this.

And get used to us being recorded, the projects were on live so society could know about them and buy from us.

"You may take a seat!" I informed.

Killian swallowed when he saw me and Nathaniel wouldn't look at me. I sat at the front and they had sat at the other end of the table.

"Let's go!" I heard my father tell Hayden and I saw them walk by the meeting room. Hayden biting a nail like he had done something wrong. Arianna closed the door, letting the meeting begin.

We all begin explaining how we had advanced in the project. Obviously Nathaniel and I had separated and divided the work. It had been his request.

"Okay before we finish this, I want to see if you agree in investing on a community home? "

I began explaining what this consisted of.

"And actually Nathaniel and I experimented on the building with our project and I would like to show how this will benefit the society and investiging would actually help directly the people in here than using the money on other stuff like electricity."

The men looked convinced and tired. The meeting had gotten longer. Outside the sky was gray and lately it had been raining daily.

Arianna helped to connect the projector to my laptop.

I closed the side of the disk of my laptop and grabbed a paper sitting on my laptop. The disk loaded and I opened the paper that had been folded in half. There were words neatly written.

"Please watch."

-Edward Monroe

My heart stopped in a second and my hands trembled.


The letter fell of my hands and I looked up to the projecter in front of all of us. I felt my face go white.

Right in the screen was my brother.
I froze. There he was, green eyes, thin nose, pale skin, pink lips. A face full of life. I swallowed and I couldn't move.

My brother licked his lips.

"Scarlett I hope this doesn't get to you but if you're watching this it means I'm gone."

I sunk in the chair. In the background Edward was in the beach and his wild hair was moving with the wind.

"And this is exactly how you should be remembering me. Healthy, happy, beautiful and strong."

I frowned and my eyes watered while a soft chuckle escaped me. Even after death you never lost your humor brother.

My brother grinned.

"I recorded this because lately I've been having nightmares in which I die and I'm not afraid but I am afraid for you."

My brother cleared his velvet voice.

"I'm sorry if this arrived years later but I'm hoping that it will come in a perfect timing in which you need it."

I blinked.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora