Chapter 45: Fever

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Scarlett's POV

For some reason kissing Nathaniel didn't feel the same way..

I breathed heavily.

I saw some black spots dancing in my eyes.

My head was pounding.

I was to tired to keep kissing so I leaned away and closed my eyes.

My lips felt swollen.

I breathed heavily again.

I kept my eyes open a bit but I felt dizzy.. I heard a voice but I couldn't make it clear. I could only hear the pounding of my heart.

" Nathaniel! " I said once more.

I wanted to tell him I didn't feel well but my thoughts were all over the place.

For some reason I was thinking about my mom, Oliver and Edward.

I swallowed. I felt my throat being dry and with that I started drifting away.

My body was shutting down!



Scarlett broke the kiss at first I had thought she had figured out she had kissed me and not Nathaniel but she leaned on the couch and closed her eyes.

" Scarlett?" I asked worried.

After trying to talk to her she fell asleep but her breathing was uneven.

Then did I realized what I had done.

I stood up and went to sit on a chair.

I kissed her.. I kissed her, I took advantage of her!

She kissed back thinking I was Nathaniel..

I grabbed my hair and looked down.

I kissed my bestfriend's wife.

I felt guilty but at the same time kissing her was everything to me.

I looked back at her. I couldn't have...

How could I?

My feelings were all over the place.

I kissed her and I wanted to do it again..

Nathaniel's POV

I started going down the elevator and walked towards Scarlett's office.

Maybe she was acting cause she knew she would hear from me for what she was doing with Thomas.

I was still angry. No matter what I said to her she still found a way to cheat on me.

I thought that if I gave her to much work she would forget about her lover but no she called him before me!

I clenched my fists together. I didn't know what to do anymore. I wanted her to only look at me.

I was sure Thomas and her had something.. The way she hugged him and touched his face..

I had thought I had my heart in check but I was wrong, I felt hurt.

The first thing I saw when I entered the office was Liam looking at Scarlett with a look I couldn't understand.

Then I turned to Scarlett. I got worried when I saw her sweating and breathing uneven.

I walked towards her and Liam looked at me with a look of sadness.

I sat next to Scarlett and touched her forehead.

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