Chapter 136: Found

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Hayden's POV
November 26th, 2033

I woke up to find Autumn missing. I grew alarmed instantly.

I stood up and searched the bathroom but she was not there. I immediately went out the door and looked around the hall. I searched around panic inside.

When I got down I could see the sun was about to come out. My eyes widened. Mom..

I caught the site of Autumn she was coming inside when she spotted me.

"Autumn!" I whispered in relief. However, her look turned fearful and I grew confused.

She looked in worse conditions, I was about to ask her -

"You lied to me." She hissed.


She threw me a newspaper which I caught. I looked down towards it. I read it.

My face went pale. I was at the front, accused of kidnapping.

"I can't believe I opened my heart to a pyscho rich kidnapper." Autumn yelled hysterically.

She hugged herself.

"Autumn let me explain -" I whispered.


My eyes immediately turned to the person calling my name I froze.


"Nathaniel "

My jaw tightened and I held the newspaper harder.


Both men stood side by side with an aura twice as strong.

I turn to look at Autumn. "You called them." An instant feeling of hurt and betrayal went through me.

I was so close to running but someone came behind me and held me by the shoulder. I shook his hand of me.

"Nathaniel he's my son!" My father insisted with urgency.

Nathaniel turn to look at me and tighted his jaw.

" Hayden he's your cousin. Listen to me, Scarlett won't wake up, that's what brain death does. Your cousin can't be alone somewhere -"

My father held onto my shoulders trying to reason with me.

"I'm begging you tell us where they are. Son I miss her and I know you miss her but you have to let go, the hospitals are done and court is done. It hurts to let go but just think of her and the peace she deserves." My father's face turned into a painful one. I swallowed. He didn't believe it himself. He loved her. I loved her. She was my light.

"Cousin?" Autumn blurted out.

We turned to look at her.

Nathaniel took a bag from a guard and threw it at Autumn's feet.

"Here's the money now LEAVE!"

Money. You might imagine what it looked like and I didn't think I'd ever experiment this feeling again, I felt betrayed by the person that I thought -

Autumn looked at the bag in surprise. She immediately turn to look up at me.

"I didn't know you had taken them because you were trying to keep -"

I actually chuckled and pushed my father away. I threw the newspaper back. "It's on there Autumn -"

She immediately eyed all of it.

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