Chapter 28: Boys.

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Three months later ... December the First 2024


Three months have gone by and I hadn't seen Nathaniel or anyone else.

The marriage has one more year to go now...

I sighed, this might be weird but I kind of miss Nathaniel.

It appeared Nathaniel would work all day and come back to sleep and leave really early...

I had seen the news and they kept saying Nathaniel Pierce had finally found the girl for him...If only they knew why he hadn't cheated on me....

There wasn't much of us just that I had great friends and that I had a very organized wedding.

I had laughed my ass off at that comment.

As for my father he had become really rich... Marisa had appeared in some commercials, thanks to being a model...and about Ana I got no idea...

I hadn't heard anything on the Pierces just that they had gone to Italy...

I shrugged my life was better now.

I didn't have to worry about school, so I dedicated everything to ridding.

As for my nightmares I was now drinking two pills.

One stopped working... So, I was now drinking 2...Soon the 100 pills Lyla had given me were gone.

I had to buy the rest in the streets... So yeah... being a street racer had its advantages...

I had to wait about two more weeks so that Lyla could give me more...

I hadn't heard from Alisson that saddened me.

Oliver gave me quick messages he never talked about ghost, I would ask him about his races. He just said everything was alright...

That had me feeling kind of mad.

I sighed finishing my last bag of candy, Oliver had given(ghost) me a week to rest so I was getting bored...

My stomach started grumbling I decided that I would have to go down one day so today was it...I think I might start needing real food....

I took a quick shower and got dressed in skinny jeans a blue shirt and flats.

I brushed my hair and put it on a ponytail.

When I got down the kitchen was very dirty, and it seemed like no one had been in there for a while.

It seemed like someone had tried to cook but couldn't make it happen.

I chuckled. I think I know who.

A boy was passing by and he turned to look at me.

" Oh Mrs. Pierce its nice to finally meet you. I am the gardener " He said. He raised his hand.

I looked over at him and he did look dirty, so I believed him.

He was starting to put his hand down and his face flashed disappointed.

I smiled and took his hand ignoring the fact he was dirty.

Soon his smile came back, he had brown eyes and brown hair he seemed to be 16 years old.

We stopped shaking hands and we looked awkwardly at each other.

" Um, do we have a cooking lady? " I asked.

The boy looked surprised and scratched his back.

" Well we all are new we started about a week ago... " He said.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Where stories live. Discover now