Chapter 81: Blackout

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"Dammit Alisson what is the hurry?" Jake hissed.

"Isn't this where Monroe's company was at?" Parker stated.

"Just shut it, all of you!" Alisson said frustrated.

I was now looking at the ceiling in the meeting room and I sighed then I heard something fall to the floor and I looked towards the door of the meeting room.

I sat on the head of the chair and 6 pair of eyes stared at me in surprise. Killian stood next to me.

"Scarlett?" Christian said in huge surprise.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

Then all of their mouths flew open and I stood up and I looked at all of them. Jake had been eating an ice cream and I could see it was now on the floor.
I sighed again. After the surprise and the awkward moment of silence questions were shot at me and their arms surrounded me.


"Where were you?"

"What happened?"

"I was worried."

Before more questions were asked I departed myself from them and placed my hands in front of myself indicating them to stop.

" Please." I said.
They all looked worried but nodded.

" Everything has been caos but I really don't need more questions. That is not the reason why I have brought you here today!" I stated while looking at the three of them.

"Technically I brought them." Alisson murmured. I turn to glare at her.
"We had been thinking about you and -" I interrupted Christian.

"Please sit, this is not about anything that has happened to me while I disappeared. Please."

"Then?" Parker asked confused.

"We have been worried. Terrified that something did happen to you!" Jake exclaimed.

They began sitting around the table and Alisson sat as well. Ariana stepped out. Giovanni took a seat and Killian scratched his cheek before sitting down as well.

"I know I was gone a year. I'm not sure myself what happened but I need all of you to not ask me questions." I said.

Jake opened his mouth. Christian had a confused face and Parker leaned on the chair not satisfied.

"I don't want questions but I do want you by my side. Working with me!" I said intensely.

Parker's eyes grew confused then wide. Alisson was all smiles and Jake stared at me. Christian opened his mouth in shock.
"You're taking over?" Jake asked.

I nodded.

"What?" Christian asked.

Parker stood up and began doing a funny dance.

Giovanni stood their akwardly.

"Yes yes!" Parker sang. I controlled myself to keep from laughing.

"I really need secrecy in the projects and everything going on inside here. I want no leaks. The minute I find out you're out." I started.

"I am taking over as the CEO do ask me questions as to why now and not before. Don't ask me were I was or anything. I want the job from our personal life out, separated. Please look at me as your boss. " I demanded and I looked everyone in the eye. I saw everyone hesitate and throw me worried looks, some with curiosity.

"Can I count on you?" I asked.

"You can definitely count on me!" Parker said.

"But we can't just not be worried about you. I will respect your decision. I have been waiting to work with you since the day I entered school but please when you're ready talk to us." Parker whispered and Alisson nodded in agreement.

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