Chapter 14: Engaged

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Oh no!!! I felt frozen and I started to slowly turn.

To my horror the guy I had met last night and threw money at was right there, standing a few steps away from me.

His face mirrored the look I had, shock.

The world seemed to stop, and my heart skipped a beat.

I saw Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Pierce grin at each other. "It's so cute to watch them." Mrs. Pierce squealed.

"NATHANIEL, BABY!" Marisa yelled with her piercing voice that sounded like writing on a chalkboard.

I grimaced. What an annoying voice.

I wondered if my ears were bleeding.

She went up to Nathaniel and hugged his arm.

She squeezed herself to him, pressing her boobs to his arm.

I felt jealously but it washed away when Nathaniel looked down at her with a very disgusted face.

" Nathaniel my wonderful fia- " Marisa began.

" Brother- in-law!" Nathaniel corrected hastily.

Everyone was quiet all of a sudden.

I found myself chugging my glass of wine. Not good, not good.

Disaster ahead run, run, run, run, my brain alerted me.

I saw Marisa's smile start to disappear.

She then smiled wider " DADDY did you hear that? Nathaniel is trying to pull a joke on me just like you did!!" She broke into fits of laughter.

I looked around everything was silent, and everyone stared.

I wanted to become small and if I could turn invisible it be more helpful.

I saw my father look around in a nervous way. Marisa didn't stop laughing and my father went up to her.

" Marisa do you think we can have a chat?" My father asked while looking around.

" Not right now daddy. I have to present my fiancée to Scarlett " She said.

Nathaniel closed his eyes and pinched his nose.

Reporters started to snap pictures.

I started to retreat. I did need a hiding spot.

He opened them again and looked at me.

"Marisa, it's kind of urgent." My dad hissed.

Marisa gave him an annoyed look and grabbed Nathaniel's arm and pushed him towards me.

" Nathaniel baby meet my dumb sister, Scarlett. "

I felt my face heat up.

I saw people start to whisper.

Nathaniel looked between us and passed his hand through his hair. Mr. Pierce shot my father an angered face.

" I don't think she's the dumb one Marisa. Could you stop being so clingy and annoying? Let me go so that I can stand beside MY fiancée." He said in a charming voice.

Nathaniel shook her off and he went to stand beside me, I was shocked. I couldn't move.

Nathaniel wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

My breath hitched.

I was about to turn to look at him, but Marisa's tantrum kept me from doing so.

" No daddy, I can't chat with you, can't you see that Nathaniel is pulling a bad joke one me? " She hissed.

Dad was begging her with his eyes to go with him.

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