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Third Person POV

    As the Karasuno team is currently enjoying their short outing with Kenma and Kuroo, all of them are enjoying but the unpleasant feeling of Sugawara that he felt earlier grew bigger and more intense that he cannot even think about the trip anymore.

   He know to his self that they're forget something more important to them,but it wasn't the same to the others. Their attention was fully concentrated on Hiro,who doesn't know anything about those attentions.

   On the other hand,the forgotten one was enjoying his weekend with his new friends. His friends just keep on comforting him ever since they saw the photos of the team enjoying their weekend in Chiba.

    They give meat buns for Hinata, they played volleyball with him even though they don't know how to. They even decided to have a sleepover at Asami's house.

     Ino, one of his friends even let him play her new console just to make him happy. Miyuu let him played with face,putting stickers on it and even make ups just to make him comfortable and not feel insecure.

    It's night time and the team already went back to the hotel that they would be staying. They washed their body and gathered at the third years room for extra fun. They have pillow fight,they eat cheeps,watch their favorite all-night show and went to sleep.

    Hinata was remenicing the past few months with his team, remembering how they laughing,how they talk to each other. He can't sleep because of those memories, trying his best to suppress his tears,biting his lips which seems he's  afraid of making any noise and waking up his friends.

    Not long enough a single tear suddenly falls off of his face until it continuesly fall. The tears together with his pain that he's been hiding for 6 months, finally,can't be suppress anymore.

    One of his friends was listening to his silent cry and sniffing,he's friend want to hug him but it would turn out awkward. This friend of his can't do anything to comfort him for this time, 'it' chose to let Hinata be alone for a while.

     Hinata walk out of the room where they were sleeping. He wants to cry his heart out,he wants to burst into tears loudly, he wants to let out a loud cry but he can't because he thought that he doesn't  have the rights to cry.

     Thinking that it was his fault for being ignored, for being incompetent, and for being not good enough for them. He thought that he was annoying that's why they don't want to talk to him anymore.

   Those kind of thoughts were running in Hinata's mind,making him suffer in so much pain.  He want to change his self,he want to be enough for them, he don't want to be ignored anymore.

    He remembered giving his teammates one pair of clothes even though he needs to use his allowance for those.

    Hinata likes to give things instead of receiving. The only thing he got from his team was the 11 crow keychains with his teammates name on it, that he always hang in his bag. Treasuring it like some kind of gold or expensive thing,which is rich people can only buy.
     He cherish it so much,like an A-class painting or statues of pure gold. Not long after he cried,he fall asleep absent mindedly, he's head waiting to him the ground but his friend that was listening to his cries earlier catch him and put him back to his own futon.

Tsukishima's POV

    Daichi-san woke us up to get ready to go to the Sunflower Field. Tanaka-san and Nishinoya-san immediately woke up and they both race in the bathroom to see who would be the first one to take a shower.
      Both Kinoshita-san and Narita -san are doing their own thing when they woke up,they waited patiently for the other two second years to finish taking a bath but it seems that they're playing inside,why you say,because they're laughing pretty loud that you will be able to hear it from the other room.

     I'm currently waking up the King and the Shrimp, Yamaguchi is taking out clothes from his bag and me, I already took a bath after the second years.

    The King and the shrimp are still sleeping which annoyed Daichi-san earlier when he came back to check on us.

   It already 8:27 am and the Sunflower Field open at 9:00,they decided that they want to see how it  would open because Hiro suggested.

   I'm wearing a white T-shirt with a print of dinasour, I don't know who gave this shirt but I like it, like a lot, baggy pants and black shoes.

   Hiro slowly woke up while rubbing his eyes like a dog of course and the king who woke up a minute earlier than Hiro is grumpily brushing his teeth in the toilet.

    "Go take a shower shrimp,we'll leave at 8:50." I said at Hiro who just nodded and responded with a hum.


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